Emma vs Clueless. Amy Heckerlings Clueless and Austens Emma both explore the themes of marriage, social class and feminism.

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Angela Ni 11EX4

Transforming Emma into Clueless

To what extent has the composer of the contemporary text appropriated the ideas and values contained in the earlier text to say something new?

Angela Ni 11EX4

Transforming Emma into Clueless

They may be nearly two hundred years apart, yet Amy Heckerling’s Clueless and Austen’s Emma both explore the themes of marriage, social class and feminism. Amy Heckerling has transformed and appropriated many of the values and ideas evident in Austen’s 1816 novel, Emma. The transformation of the novel allows new ideas to be presented, due to the change in values over the last centuries. Because of the vast contrasting contexts of the two texts, many themes and values present during the Romantic Period were changed to adapt to the social discourse of the 1990’s – Heckerling’s time period. Contrasting views and ideas are portrayed and influenced by the context in which each text is contained.

        Marriage, being the social goal of females in Austen’s society, is a convention, which usually allows a gain in property or land, guarantees financial security and respectability in the community. Most females in Emma’s time did not marry for love but for socioeconomic reasons. Emma had the luxury of financial security and would not end up like Ms Bass or Miss Fairfax, in need of a man to live comfortably. Jane Austen writes; “It is only poverty that makes celibacy contemptible to a generous public. A single woman of good fortune is always respectable”. She does not need a male for her place on the social hierarchy, meaning she didn’t have any of the social constraints and expectations to marry. Elton only proposes to Emma for her large inheritance and her social status as demonstrated by his rude and dismissive attitude towards Emma after her rejection. Though unnecessary, Emma eventually finds a male to suit society’s convention – one of suitable social status as well.

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        The institution of marriage has changed dramatically over the century. During Heckerling’s time, a female did not need to marry to guarantee financial security. Unlike in Emma, everyone could choose what they want to do with their life and marriage was no longer a necessity. During the 1990’s, women received the same job opportunities as males and were therefore able to provide their own income. In Clueless, a woman’s marriage status did not determine her social status, however, in the 19th century, if a woman was not in Emma’s position and did not plan on becoming married, she would have lost ...

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