Examine the importance of Emily Bront's authorical purpose in Wuthering Heights pp 1-21.

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Examine the importance of Emily Brontë’s authorical purpose in Wuthering Heights pp 1-21.

Lindsey Brown

    During the essay it is intended for the reader to search deep into the text to find hidden meanings to enhance their knowledge of the novel, resulting in discovering Brontë’s purpose for using the kind of descriptive language that is portrayed throughout the novel.


    As the narrator begins to read the book it is noticed that much religious language is used throughout the first chapter, however, it is noted that particular references to hell and the devil are made, rather than God. It is thought that Brontë’s purpose here was in particular reference to the genre of the book, which is gothic horror, this is noticed throughout the whole novel due to the references made to violence, horror and the paranormal.

“Go to the deuce!”  - Heathcliff

   As the book is read further is it noticed that many horrific words are used continuously to enhance the mystery and feeling. Also it places a picture in the readers’ mind of the moors and what they were like. Certain words used such as ‘thorns’ which symbolise pain and hurting, it also implies that the surrounding area has a sinister feeling, resulting in the reader experiencing a feeling of suspense and particularly fearful. Also the word ‘haunting’ is used to show the eerie element of the atmosphere. This particular word also has unseen meanings such as, darkness, shivering and the feeling that there is another presence. All these things add to shadows and mist of the moors, which could symbolise spectres.

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   Everything appears to be contaminated with horror during the first chapter, this is even shown through the characters as Heathcliff's reactions and behaviour towards Lockwood is somewhat rude, this can be perceived by Lockwood’s first impressions of Heathcliff and the use of Brontë’s descriptive, violent language to describe Heathcliff’s character. This is done to develop the theme of violence throughout the start of this particular work of fiction.

“His reserve springs from an aversion to showy displays of feeling-to manifestations of mutual kindliness.” – Lockwood

   The particular thesis of violence is even portrayed through the ...

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