example of a good english essay

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October 2005

English Essay

Different writers use different techniques to create a sense of atmosphere and mystery in their stories. I have chosen two ghost stories, ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ written by W W Jacobs and ‘Who Goes Down This Dark Road?’ written by Joan Aiken. I am going to use these two stories to compare the techniques used by writers from different times. Using these two stories I am going to describe how the openings takes place, the characters, story structure, historical contexts and the settings used to describe the location in which the story took place.

In these two short stories the openings are both completely different. The opening in ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ uses more settings, which describe the area in which the story takes place, shown by using language. For example the openings quote from ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ is ‘Without, the night was cold and wet, but in the small parlour of Laburnum Villa the blinds were drawn and the fire burned brightly. Father and son were at chess.’ This quote introduces two characters, Mr White and his son Herbert and describes the settings. As you can tell from this quote the story uses old fashioned language which was used a long time ago. The story also used word like ‘Hark at the wind’, ‘poised’, ‘hospitable haste’ and ‘condoling’, nowadays we no longer use these words as they are outdated.

However in the story ‘Who Goes Down This Dark Road?’ the opening uses more characters to begin with, other than describing the settings. For example the beginning sentence for ‘Who Goes Down This Dark Road?’  is, ‘It seems singular, remembering that first interview with Mrs King, to think that I had no kind of premonition or foreknowledge.’ This quote starts of introducing a character Mrs King.  The language used in this story is very modern compared to ‘The Monkey’s Paw’.

Also in these two stories, the mystery and atmosphere takes place in different parts of the story. In ‘The Monkey’s Paw’, the mystery and atmosphere takes place near the end, when a person is constantly knocking on the door. For example, ‘Mr White looked up sharply, just in time to intercept a knowing glance between mother and son.’ And ‘these he is’, said Herbert White, as the gate banged too loudly and heavy footsteps came towards the door.’

But in ‘Who Goes Down This Dark Road?’  The mystery and atmosphere takes place in different parts of the story. For example ‘I can hear them’ she said matter-of-factly.’ This quote shows mystery and atmosphere in the story.

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The characters relationships are very strong in the stories. For example in ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ the quote ‘father and son at chess’ tells me that the father and son get along really well. Also the quote ‘Path’s a bog, and road’s a torrent’ tells me that the characters in the story don’t get along with their neighbours.

In ‘Who Goes Down This Dark Road?’  The characters are basically Amanda and her Latin teacher, Mr Thorneycroft. Amanda is a very polite little girl and had people living in her hair. At first Mr Thorneycroft didn’t believe her but after a while he ...

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