Film Techniques in Pleasantville

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Utopian Worlds are not necessarily the most ideal state to live in for many reasons. A utopian world is a perfect world which every thing is under control even the most basic human rights and their privacies do not exist in it. The lack of choices is one of the main reasons that make a utopian world not an ideal place to live in. Also with people that lack of knowledge and the lack of privacies. According to “The Giver” by Lois Lowry and “Pleasantville” directed by Gary Ross, they all show the audience that a utopian world is not the most ideal place to live in.

The lack of choice makes the utopian world not the most idea place to live in. Firstly, every children living in the city have the same thing. There is no discrimination or race. Every child owes the same thing which makes them all the same hence there is no individuality. Every child are assigned a bicycle when they are 9 and a job which suites them the most at 12 and they all took place in a auditorium announced by the elders ( Page 45 & 50 )  “Now Father sat beside mother in the audience. Jonas could see them applauding dutifully as the Nines, one by one, wheeled their new bicycles…” and “Now Jonas group had taken a new place in the Auditorium, trading with the new elevens, so that they sat in the very fount immediately before the stage” Every one is assigned a bicycle when they are nine and a job or assignment when they are 12. No one is allowed to choose their future or even their biological parents which is the most basic human rights and the community took it from them which lead them to no individuality and opinion.  The lack of choices is a vital reason inside a utopian world or community. Otherwise citizens live within the community will start to be suspicious that the rule they live with are not the best rules for them and they will start complaining. Then they will turn the utopian world upside down into an anti-utopian world. And that is what the community do not want, so they have to decide everything for them even their jobs, parents and name. The lack of choice also represent that the most basic human rights and having the own opinion is vital to them. If the community or the utopian world eliminates these needs, that is why the lack of opinion is one of the many main reasons that make the utopian world is the most ideal place to live in. Furthermore In the movie “Pleasantville”, people also can not have their own choice and what they are all doing is according to the scrip which is they won’t do another thing until someone or something give them a signal. For the scene is from: During the movie, when Bud went to the canteen to work, he found out that Mr. Johnson was cleaning the table. “When Bud got into the shop, Mr. Johnson found out that he was still cleaning the table because Bud was late. Usually when Bud came in he will finished clearing the table while Bud was setting the table up, he will go and make the burgers. Bud was late and no one gave him the signal to do another thing, he keeps on wiping the table and some paint came off.  When Bud came in, he was stunned and he had no idea what he was doing. Because Bud was late, he did give him the signal to make the burgers because that is not they usually do and the boss has no idea how to react. A close up shot was used to let the audience to have a close look at the paint that Mr. Johnson wipe off while he was waiting for Bud. Without telling us what had happen, The director choose to let us see the result of Bud being late and the point that all the people that is living in Pleasantville are all working according to the scrip and they have no idea what they should do when something does not go according to it. When things start not going according to the scrip, People from Pleasantville do not know how to react. This is important because if things do not go under the plan, utopian will turn into chaos that something is going to go wrong and the scrip would not. By looking at the book, “Giver” and the film “Pleasantville”, both of them precents the negative things about a utopian world. In the Book Giver, Jonas is not allowed to ask any questions before he was assigned to be the receiver. Also Mr. Johnson from the burger store in the film Pleasantville, does not know how to react when things are not according to scrip, this shows us that they isn’t that they can’t do it but is they don’t know what to do, which also proves us that they can not have their own opinion.  Both the book “Giver” and the film “Pleasantville” prove the lack of opinion is one of the main reasons that a utopian world is not necessarily the most ideal place to live.

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Also the lack of knowledge is one of the main reasons that make the utopian world not the most ideal place to live in. Firstly in the book, Jonas knows nothing about the community. He goes to school pointlessly, until he is twelfth and gets allocated for a task or assignment. On the other hand, if Jonas was not assigned to be the receiver, he will know nothing about the community and knowledge therefore he will live pointlessly.

When Jonas has his first lesson with the previous receiver, he notices something about colour. Something different to his friend’s hair. Then ...

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