Fire - tragic story

Authors Avatar by bidishacullenn (student)

“Don’t go today, Daddy!” babbled Sarah, my three-year old daughter.

“Daddy has to go, dear. He will be back in time to cut your cake,” my wife, Lisa reasoned lovingly.

I felt my heart tear to leave my darling daughter on her birthday, but I had no choice. I had to go to work.

“Daddy will be back soon to cut your chocolate fudge cake, Sarah,” I promised Sarah.

I kissed my children – Sarah, Victoria and John- and my seven month pregnant wife, Lisa goodbye and headed off to work. We had just found out that Lisa was carrying a boy and decided to name him Darren.  We were eagerly looking forward to the arrival of baby Darren.  I took a last glance at my lovely family – it was the perfect portrait of the perfect family.

Upon reaching my workplace, I was overwhelmed by large volumes of work to be completed. I immediately set out to finish them. After all, I had to fulfil my promise to little Sarah. The thought of that brought a smile to my face.

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The shrill of the phone broke my concentration. With my eyes still on the draft I was preparing, I picked up the phone absentmindedly.

“Hello...?” I spoke into the phone half heartedly.

“David! David! Hurry! You’ve got to reach home quickly! Now! Your family!”  shouted the familiar voice frantically. The caller snapped me out of my reverie. He had my full attention.

“Hello, who are you?” I asked with a voice full of purpose. There was a tinge of anxiety.

The phone went dead.

Wasting no time at all, I left my workplace. There was something about his tone that ...

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