Friends, Enemies, Lovers, Gossip, Rumour and Money. How and in what ways are these important to the Merchant of Venice?

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Friends, Enemies, Lovers, Gossip, Rumour and Money. How and in what ways are these important to the Merchant of Venice?

The Merchant of Venice was a play written by William Shakespeare in the 16th Century. This play revolves around a central character, Antonio. Antonio, in the play, is confronted by a variegated amount of malevolent situations. In all of these situations friendship and support from them, is mandatory and in an extreme circumstance could lead to his death. Antonio’s foremost predicament is revolved quickly be a character named Shylock. The reader perfunctorily becomes cognizant of the fact that Shylock is an enemy to Antonio and also becomes aware that Shylock is to be blamed for Antonio’s future predicaments. The basis of all Antonio’s predicaments are money, Venetian culture is built on money. Rumour and gossip are linked in this play in the view of the fact that rumour introduces gossip to the Venetians. These two depictions are pivotal in the ‘Merchant of Venice’ but as Antonio perceives these do not have to be veracious.

In this play Antonio is the Merchant of Venice of the play’s title. His speech preludes, ‘In sooth I know not why I am so sad, it wearies me’. This sets the scene for the event that will befall him during most of the play. The audience will be interested to examine why Antonio is melancholy. Solanio attempts to find out why Antonio is sad and offers a suggestion, ’Why then you are in love’. This is dismissed by Antonio, the audience has now perceived he has no lover. Solanio becomes curious of Antonio’s sadness but is interrupted by the arrival of Bassanio. Solanio dictates that Bassanio and Antonio are greater friends than he and Antonio,

‘I would have stayed till I have made you merry if worthier friends had not prevented me’.

This implies to the audience that other characters are also aware that Bassanio and Antonio’s friendship is very intimate. Antonio does not disregard Solanio’s comment but explains that his friendship is also significant. ’Your worth is very dear in my regard’. Bassanio and Antonio’s friendship is also emphasised by Lorenzo’s speech, ‘My lord since you have found Antonio, we too will leave you’. This portrays to the reader of the full extent of Antonio and Bassanio’s relationship. Antonio is depicted to have support from a heterogeneous amount of people, as Gratiano also portrays his love for Antonio, ‘I love thee, and ‘tis my love that speaks’.

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Lorenzo indicates some signs of repugnance towards Gratiano,

‘I must be one of these same dumb wise men, for Gratiano never let’s me speak’.

This does not imply that they are enemies but can indicate some signs of a problematic relationship. Lorenzo is hostile in his speech, ‘dumb, wise, men’ He uses two contrasting words to make Gratiano seem ‘dumb’ to the people around him.

After Gratiano and Lorenzo exit Bassanio comments on Gratiano, ‘speaks an infinite deal of nothing’, this depicts to the audience that Bassanio does not enjoy the company of Gratiano.


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