Going to analyse H.G wells novel 'The Time Machine. I shall be focusing on chapter 12 of the play and explaining how this chapter is the climax of the narrative

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Prose study –The Time Machine by H.G wells.

As part of my English literature coursework, I am going to analyse H.G wells novel ‘The Time Machine. I shall be focusing on chapter 12 of the play and explaining how this chapter is the climax of the narrative. I will also be considering how Wells creates suspense.

        Herbert George Wells was born on 21st November 1866 in Bromley, Kent. His father, a shopkeeper and cricketer and his mother a housekeeper. However Wells developed a love for literature at a very young age and used to study books in the library secretly. Wells obtained a scholarship and studied biology at the normal school of science. He left however without a degree and in 1891 married his cousin Isabel. From 1893, Wells became a full time writer. Wells was a novelist, journalist, sociologist and historian but is best known for works such as ‘The invisible man’, ‘war of the worlds’ and in 1895, ‘the time machine’.

        The time machine is basically about the English class division of his time as well as a warning that human progress is not inevitable. The novel is set in the time it was written, as H.G Wells wrote this story to demonstrate the social issues of his time. The story is narrated by Hillyer who is present at the time travellers’ home along with several of the time traveller’s friends. These people are frequently identified by their professions rather than their names. The room consists of a provincial mayor, a medical man, a sociologist and a journalist. All of these people have professional careers; they have recognition in society due to their professions. This instantly shows us the class division of the time, as no non-professional person is present in the gathering. Meaning that the public is given little or no importance in informing them of such a scientific breakthrough.

        The time traveller’s theories are that any real body has four dimensions rather than three. These are, breadth, length, thickness and also duration. The first three are known as planes and the fourth as time. He also believed that like we can draw 3D on 2D, we should also be able to do 3D on 4D. Working on this theory, the time traveller has found a way of moving through time using a time machine. As well as this the time traveller also has theories on evolution that in the future the capitalist has “evolved” into the Eloi (peaceful but weak humans) and the labourers have “evolved” into the morlocks (aggressive ape-like people). However as the story progresses, he begins to rethink this theory and decides that the Eloi are the capitalists but have adapted to the life of the labourers. As they seem to have no control over their surroundings. He also thinks that the morlocks are in fact the labourers but have begun living the lives of capitalists, as they seem to be having total control. The balance of power has shifted entirely, causing confusion in. Again, Wells has clearly expressed his views on the social issues of his time. He is saying that the capitalists (morlocks) feed on the labourers (Eloi). This at present seems confusing but is later understood as the story continues.

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        Naturally, some of the guests of the time traveller seem a little sceptical of the idea that man can travel through time, (yet they still admitted that there was such thing as the fourth dimension) and that rich, noble people would in the future become vicious human flesh eating people. Therefore the time traveller’s account of the future seems to be a bit of a joke, a kind of fantasy. So, to answer this puzzle that is in both the guests and readers minds, he backs his theory using scientific evidence. In fact Darwin’s and the Fabians theories were the ...

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