Great Expectations

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Great expectations

        During the period between 1860 and 1861, Charles Dickens wrote the gripping novel Great Expectations. It was the first soap opera of its time, and he kept his audience gripped by writing it weekly. By doing this, he was able to sell each chapter he wrote for 1d each, which would be about a penny these days.

Because Dickens was brought up in Victorian Britain it makes it very easy for him to relate and sympathize with the main character of the book, Pip. Dickens' was raised in a poor household, and like many others from that time he came from a tough background.

     The opening to the novel is very effective because .it is described very darkly and miserably, everything seems dim and scary, and for a young person to be by themselves in this scene standing by his parents grave, makes up sympathy I with pip before any other characters have even been introduced yet.

The setting of the scene is “savage lair” this is a very brutal descriptive word because it makes you think that some sort of beast lives in it and anything can attack you at anytime. Then as Magwitch attacks Pip it makes him seem like

A wild beast. Also it sets the scene of the story and by introducing different mysterious characters and settings it  importantly  keeps you hooked. The environment which Pip is in makes the opening to the novel effective because the fact that Pip is alone and gets attacked in the middle of the countryside would be a lot of action and would shock Victorian readers. Cunningly this would make them more anxious as to if the poor , lonely Pip would survive the savage attack in the first chapter .Also by leaving  cliffhangers such as Who is the man who attacked Pip?  Will Pip steal? They as well make the opening chapter more effective and making you want to read on even more.

             Pip is portrayed as young, childish and naïve you can tell this because even at the very begging of the novel in the first sentence, his own name was even too complex for his tongue to pronounce, giving him self the nick-name “Pip”. Also Pip, when reading his parents gravestones, he draws a childish conclusion that his mothers first name is ‘Also’ and he also describes what he thinks his parents might have been like just by looking at the font on the gravestone. Therefore Charles dickens shows Pip’s youth through the language and description that  Pip uses, “I drew a childish conclusion that my mother was freckled and sickly”. As well at the begging of the novel pip is a young orphan living with his sister Mrs. Joe. Pip also has a lot of imagination and youthful thoughts. These techniques all develop Pips portrayal as a young boy.

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”A small bundle of shivers growing afraid of it all” Pip describes himself as this after his first encounter with Magwitch in the churchyard.

             Pips emotions at the beginning of Great expectations are isolated and lonely , dickens shows this in many ways .One way is because Pips parents and brothers are dead and Pip is also an orphan. In the opening chapter of Great expectations Pip is at the grave yard all on his own, this shows isolation and loneliness too. This also reflects on people in Victorian Britain’s emotions too due to ...

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