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Hallowed Ground


   One damp morning in the spring of 1951, an elderly woman sat in her drawing room, and stared out of the Edwardian window, stretching from the floor to the ceiling. The velvet green curtains fluttered slightly against a draft. This is her place of rest, were she chose to lead the rest of her life peacefully. She gazed into her garden. Her drawing room was vacant when compared with the beauty of nature. The walls were lined with great masterpieces, her tables decorated with beautiful and rare Ming vases. She sat upright against the silk tapestry cushions of the chair. She loved the outdoors, and always felt uncomfortable with the four walls enclosing her, no matter how beautifully they were decorated. She always adored her garden, the white and pink roses in her numerous and perfectly arranged, symmetrical beds. The garden had limestone stairs, and she peered out of the window, down the grey-white steps, to a garden that stretched to the horizon. The grass was a pure deep green. And in the centre, a pond, stretching horizontally from one end of the garden to the other, the only means of crossing was an old bridge of pale wood with small engravings of dragons lining its railings. She watched the golden red carp glitter in the soft morning sun under the water’s surface. Her garden shone with pink and white blossoms. The flowers, at this time of year were mainly spring pansies, daffodils and bluebells, dripping with morning dew.

   The rose bushes stretched all the way across the left side of the brick wall, ruining its foundations. She remembered old age, spreading through her body like the flower, ruining her strength. Her once able body was frail. Time was running out: the hourglass had tipped.

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   She leant forward to the man across the table, sipping his tea and waiting patiently for a reply. She felt his harsh gaze in her eyes.

   “So, Miss Amanda Daley”, he began, “are you considering ever using our services again, perhaps writing another book or novel? I hope you know, and of course you do, being a lady of worth, that our services are at the best of prices and of the highest quality.” His words remained unanswered, and she carried on staring out of the window. His pinstripe suit and unmarked suede shoes were intimidating, ...

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