He would never have thought seriously about killing King Duncan without the witches. Yet the combination of his determined character, the prophecies and his wife's influence leads him to kill the king.

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The play Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare in 1606 and it seemed to be written for King James I who was thought to be afraid of witches. In this play the witches and the prediction they gave are very important and affect most of Macbeth´s decisions throughout the play. During Macbeth times witches were not thought to have supernatural powers, they gained their powers by donating their souls to Satan, they were then instructed and controlled by 'familiar spirits´.

The three witches are immediately introduced at the beginning of the play and in the brief opening scenes they give an immediate impression of ambiguity, terror and insecurity. This shows that witchcraft will be one of the main themes during the play.

In the opening scene the weather is stormy and thundering and there are only the witches in the scene. When you think of a weather with thunder and lighting you think of evilness and destruction which reflect the personality of the witches.

When Macbeth meets the witches for the first time, they predict him that he will become Thane of Cawdor, and then King of Scotland. These predictions introduce Macbeth to ideas of greatness. In the end Macbeth will hurry it as quickly as possible by killing king Duncan. This brings the idea of fate and its role into the play. Someone could wonder whether Macbeth did what was right after he met the witches.

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From their first meeting, Banquo don’t trust the witches. In fact in act 1 scene 3 lines 124 he says:

“The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s In deepest consequence.”

He thinks and says bad things of the witches. He describes them as instruments of darkness and the devil. It seems to be that he believes that this prophecies will only bring harm even before anything as happened yet,

Banquo can see beyond the witches and he understand that they are evil, while Macbeth is taken in by the witches prediction, and if ...

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