How does Chapter One of 'Great Expectations' prepare a reader for the rest of the novel?

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Cassandra Angell

Great Expectations

How does Chapter One of 'Great Expectations' prepare a reader for the rest of the novel?

In Chapter One, Charles Dickens 'Great Expectations' prepares the reader for the rest of the novel because the chapter introduces the two main characters, Pip, who is an orphan and Abel Magwitch, who is a convict. We don't learn Abel Magwitch’s name until later on in the novel.

The language that Dickens uses prepares us for the rest of the novel. Great Expectations has been written in the ninetieth century. Dickens uses long, rich sentences full of description, which allows the reader to appreciate and understand the novel. He creates a clear picture, portraying colourful characters and bleak settings. The language is important as it adds to the strong imagery, speech and interaction of characters, suspense and tension.

Imagery is an important device because the landscape and the weather is a sinister aspect as Pip relates his surroundings. They are barren and bleak this reflects his emotions and feelings.

“The dark flat wilderness beyond the churchyard, intersected with dukes and mounds and gates, with scattered cattle feeding on it, was the Marshes.”

These dark and sinister overtones add suspense and tension to the narrative. This nonetheless doesn’t make for sombre reading as the dialogue and descriptions of characters add humour and relief.

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The characterisation of Abel Magwitch as a dark convict shows contrast but at the same time a similarity to Pip’s character. Dickens sets up Magwitch to be a criminal who scares Pip. He doesn’t harm Pip, but merely scares him. Magwitch asks Pip to help him, by bringing him some food and a file to get the chains off his legs.

“You bring me, to-morrow morning early, that file and them wittles.”

From this point, Magwitch decides to pay Pip back for his kindness, as soon as he earns some money. This is echoed later in the ...

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