How does Conan Doyle make the reader believe in Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson?

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 “When we talk of Sherlock Holmes we invariably fall

into the fancy of his existence.” T.S. Eliot.

How does Conan Doyle make the reader believe in

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson?

The stereotypical image in most people’s minds whenever the name “Sherlock Holmes” is mentioned is the magnifying glass, deerstalker hat and smoking a pipe. He has more or less become a part of our English culture, almost as much as English tea, Yorkshire puddings and cricket.

  Few of the number of people who can picture that stereotypical image of Sherlock Holmes have actually read the books. There have been other sources which have informed society of Holmes’ features; there have been, numerous television productions, approximately two hundred and fifty Sherlock Holmes films, many newspaper interviews with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle the author of the amazing book and documentaries on the story.

          Nevertheless, in the original publications in “The Strand” magazine the detective’s stereotypical image was never described in the way it has evolved. These ideas have all been created and drawn from the media. This was an effort to make the famous detective easily recognizable to a wide range of audiences.

          As the tale was originally serialised in “The Strand” all Sherlock Holmes stories have been slightly affected, this is due to the fact that there had to be a cliff-hanger at the end of each week’s episode. The reason for this was the editors of the magazine wanted to encourage readers to buy the magazine regularly, as they did not want to miss out on the next section of the tale.

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  Due to the immense number of people who could visualise a mental image of not only Mr Holmes but also and not surprisingly his faithful sidekick Watson, many people believed, and some people still do, that these two characters really existed and various people have been known to write letters to Holmes’ Baker Street address even today. Some people are even employed to write back to the senders pretending to be Holmes.

          The whole situation could be seen as a little absurd since in reality the detective would now be approximately 120 years old! On the other hand ...

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