How does Shakespeare make ACT III scene I dramatic?

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How does Shakespeare make ACT III scene I dramatic?

Shakespeare creates a dramatic atmosphere in Act III scene I through several different aspects of the play. Not only in this scene; but also by using the previous acts to build up the tension. Shakespeare achieves this with the themes of love, hate and conflict within the play.

Conflict is used for suspense regularly. It is used at the very beginning of the play to show tension between the two families. This gets the audience interested and keen to see what happens. Shakespearean humour is used at the beginning of this fight. A play on words that would have been considered funny at the time:

SAMPSON: Gregory, o' my word, we'll not carry coals.

GREGORY: No, for then we should be colliers.

This is not only ‘comical’ but it builds up the tension of the fight to come. Also, the contrast of Benvolio and Tybalt’s attitudes is used effectively here. Benvolio keeps a mature, sensible frame of mind, thinking only of keeping the peace. Whereas Tybalt’s mind is immature, thinking only of violence and provoking the Montagues. This introduces us to those characters and increases tension even more.

  Another example of conflict is the impending danger of Tybalt. He is a threat to Romeo’s life and sends a challenge to him. This is ominous because we know Tybalt is a good swordsman and that Romeo is going to die at some point in the play. Tybalt challenges Romeo because he gatecrashed the Capulet’s party. However, Capulet forbade Tybalt to engage Romeo in a fight at the party.

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This is dramatic irony because we (the audience) know something the characters don’t. In this case, we know that Romeo and Juliet want to get married. This would mean that Romeo would be related to Tybalt and reluctant to fight him.

Another way used to create suspense is the theme of marriage. Due to the prologue, we know that Romeo and Juliet are going to fall in love. Therefore, the idea of Paris possibly marrying Juliet increases suspense

The prospect of fate is also used to increase suspense. It is used from the very beginning of the play. ...

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