How does Stevenson Explore the Divided Nature of Human personality and Victorian Society in The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

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How does Stevenson Explore the Divided Nature of Human personality and Victorian Society in The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

In my essay I am going to discuss the story called The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. This story is a pre 20th century gothic novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson. When I say a gothic novel I don’t mean something of the dark ages but rather a story that has a dark deep story which ventures into the unknown. This story is typical of the 19th century when people had radical ideas which were questionable to those in Victorian society.

        The story starts with a person called Mr Hyde trampling over a young girl and producing a cheque with Dr Jekyll’s name on it to pay for the damage done to the girl. Later Dr Jekyll’s friends find that he has made a will to a man named Mr Hyde that was to be given to him under doctor Jekyll’s death or disappearance. His friends think that he has been threatened or forced to make a will to this wicked man Mr Hyde.

Later in the story the whole mystery was revealed to us. Dr Jekyll was involved in an experiment which was supposed to break the bond between good and evil. This barrier of good and evil could be put in comparison with Soho and Cavendish Square. The experiment that Dr Jekyll was involved in made his evil side come out which was Mr Hyde but to do this Dr Jekyll had to drink a potion. After a while Hyde’s appearance could no longer be controlled with the potion but came out when ever Dr Jekyll dosed off. This is why Dr Jekyll made a will to Hyde because he was afraid that he will never be able to turn back to his normal self and Hyde will have money to spend instead of having nothing. Later I will discuss this in more detail but now I will talk about the setting of the novel.


In the novel Stevenson uses different characters to show and express the theme of man’s hypocritical and divided nature, one of these characters is Dr Lanyon. When he is with his friends his behaviour seems to show someone who is a good friend and will do a lot to help his friends out but when it comes to his reputation he will not help his friends as he previously would have if it did not involve his reputation and others who have ruined their reputation by their deeds. One example of this is when he was dying he said “I have had a shock and I shall never recover.” There it sounded as if he has signed his passport to death, yet later when Jekyll is mentioned he says “I wish to see or hear no more of Dr Jekyll”.  He didn’t say why he didn’t want to see him any more he was very vague as he was trying to keep his own reputation and that of Jekyll’s. This may seem a nice thing to do but if it involves something as serious as someone changing into the wicked character of Hyde who kills people such as Sir Danvers Carew then to protect them seems wrong.

              Gabriel Utterson is supposed to be the “perfect gentleman” he shows this by trying to find out peoples problems and trying to solve them but without the problems being gossiped about. An example of this is when he found the will that Dr Jekyll had made to Hyde which would have allowed Hyde to have Jekyll’s money after his disappearance for more than 3 months or his death. This concerned Utterson so he talked to Jekyll himself and said “I have been waiting to speak to you, Jekyll……you know that will of yours?” That is just one of the many quotes that could be found since it shows that he had a true interest in his friends and by the manner of the sentence construction it looks like he is speaking to Jekyll in a calm manner with a listening ear and someone who speaks like this would unlikely be a gossiper. Despite his kindness and loyalty to his friends he still wasn’t the perfect gentleman since he was attracted to those of the Victorian underworld. This suggests that visits to places like Soho is not out of the question and this defies his outer reputation so the saying ‘never judge a book by its cover’ fits nicely here as even though Utterson seems such an upright man he still ‘under his cover’ has something to hide.

             Furthermore the woman at Hyde’s room is another example of hypocrisy. She is smoothed faced and well mannered when she comes to the door but no doubt has evil dealings with Hyde which her demeanour hides.

             Mr Hyde is the most controversial of characters. He is the evil side of Dr Jekyll. We know the sort of things Hyde gets up to such as his assault on people, his murders and the fact that he resides in Soho gives an idea of his conduct. These sorts of actions are not associated with Dr Jekyll but it is still him that is doing it. This shows that even though Jekyll seems to be respectable he has evil thoughts and this is expressed through his metamorphosis into Hyde where all his evil comes to the fore. Discussing Jekyll  shows that once he had conducted his experiment and proved that he had broken the barrier between good and evil he continued conducting these experiments and he knew what Hyde was doing but he still let Hyde rampage until he couldn’t be controlled. So this shows that though one may have good intentions in the beginning they can be changed by unforeseen circumstances so it shows that it is hard to control that quality of evil. You could say that Enfield leads a double life as he saw the girl being trampled down he must have been out at that late hour of 03:00 and he would have only been out at that time if he was venturing down the streets of Soho doing things that upper class Victorian society would not allow him.

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             Stevenson used the idea of there being a beast inside a man in the character of Hyde. We saw that Hyde had animal like qualities. In the novella he was found to be ‘shrinking back with a hissing intake of breath’ signifying that he had snake like qualities in him. Also, when Poole was describing when he saw a ‘thing’ in the house which he thought may have been Jekyll he said “If it were my master why did he cry out like rat and run from me”, that shows another animal like quality ...

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