How effectively does Parker translate Act 3 Scene 3 on to the Screen?

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How effectively does Parker translate Act 3 Scene 3 on to the Screen?

This is the first time I have read a Shakespeare play, however I have seen the film version of Romeo and Juliet.  At first it was hard to understand, the language was difficult but it was a good story.  Parker made the film to suit regular filmgoers, and I found it easier to understand.  The plot was gripping gut the language was challenging.  The costume, the language and the photography all made it a good Shakespeare experience.  As the plot of Othello is more relevant to today than Shakespeare’s time, it includes all the elements of modern day films, and is well presented by Parker.  I choose to assess how effectively Parker translates the original script of Act 3 Scene 3, the temptation scene.  This is the pivotal scene in the play.  At the beginning Othello declares his love for Desdemona, but by the end his mind is set on killing her.  This scene also shows the power of Iago and the ability to manipulate all the others.

The ‘temptation scene’ is the longest and most important scene in the play.  Iago, whose ingenuity, inventiveness, cunning, lack and hypocrisy are evident throughout, plays the dominant role in this scene.  An analysis of the various crucial stages in Iagos assault on Othello’s peace of mind, and on the reputations of Desdemona and Cassio, will reveal the depth of Iagos evil genius.  At the beginning of the scene Othello is happily married by the end he has decided to murder his wife and Cassio.

 Iago immediately sets to work, using the slender evidence so far to hand against Cassio.  He concentrates first on Cassio’s role as a go-between in Othello’s wooing of Desdemona, and allows Othello to recall the circumstances of Cassio’s departure from Desdemona, and his own reservations about it. Othello has not been favourably impressed by the furtive manner of Cassio’s departure, and is not helped by Desdemona’s insistent, repetitions, irritating pleading on Cassio’s behalf.  Iago’s main strategy at this point is to throw out dark, mysterious hints of something that he pretends he does not want to bother Othello with.  Iago succeeds in giving the impression that there are some disreputable truths behind his insinuations.  Othello’s suspicions inevitably grow, as Iago warns him of the dangers of jealousy. Iago tells Othello that Venetian women are notorious for infidelity to their husbands.  He reminds Othello that Desdemona’s deception of her father in marrying him, and points the unnaturalness of her choice of Othello in preference to someone of her own race.  Othello is now convinced of Iago’s honesty and knowledge of human nature that he searches for reasons for Desdemona’s infidelity.  The sight of Desdemona only causes confusion in Othello’s mind.  She notices a distressing change in his attitude and behaviour, and, in trying to help him, drops her handkerchief, a gift from Othello, and a token to which he attaches enormous significance.  Emila picks up the handkerchief and gives it to her husband.  Iago decides to leave the handkerchief at Cassio’s lodgings.  This is going to be Othello’s first sign of truth.  Iago, of course, cannot offer any proof, but argues that strong circumstantial evidence ought to be enough to satisfy Othello.  He mentions to pieces of manufactured testimony, Cassio’s dream and Cassio’s possession of Desdemona’s handkerchief.

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Iago was played by Northern Ireland born actor Kenneth Branagh who is a famous Shakespearian actor and director.  Irene Jacobs plays the part of Desdemona, who is a lesser-known Belgian actress.  Lawrence Fishbourne is the first Black actor to play Othello on film.  There are a number of foreign actors in this film, which gives a European appeal and creates the feeling of Italy or somewhere foreign; there is also a wide mixture of foreign accents.

        Lawrence Fishbourne covers up his American accent very well.  His vast array of colourful costumes, earrings, scars and shaven head all suggest his exotic ...

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