How is Lady Macbeth presented by Shakespeare? In what ways does she change through the course of the play, and how does this affect the audience's response?

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Year 11: Shakespeare’s Macbeth

How is Lady Macbeth presented by Shakespeare? In what ways does she change through the course of the play, and how does this affect the audience’s response?

        In this essay I am going to be concentrating on Lady Macbeth, showing how her complex character changes dramatically throughout the course of the play. The play is mostly about Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s ambition for the throne. The act of usurping, Presenting how Macbeth wrongly, illegitimately seized the throne with his fatal flaw which was greed and ambition. Lady Macbeth’s character was very different, to an archetypical view of a woman in the Jacobean times, she was seen to be equal to Macbeth and as the relationship progresses the relationship begins to disintegrate. In the 17th century women were seen as being second-class citizens and were considered inferior to men. They were not entitled to-do such things that men were allowed such as they were not allowed to act and were not able to acquire a proper education. Also, it was harder for women because they also had to cope with the fact that they may be seized as being witches. At the time it was written in, James I was king and he was against witches and anything of the supernatural. He had seen witches to have diabolical powers, predict the future, fly, and bring night to daytime and demonic possessions on people. King James I had what he thought first hand experience of witches, he believed that they had plotted to kill him. So he then passed a law, the law said that anyone suspected of witchcraft would be sentenced to be burned at the stack. So a Jacobean audience wouldn’t like the fact that there were witches in the play or that Lady Macbeth was talking in a chant like way, as a witch.  

        The audience first encounters Lady Macbeth in Act 1 scene 5. In this scene Lady Macbeth has received a letter from her husband, Macbeth, and begins to read it. Lady Macbeth's reaction when she reads her husband's letter is powerful and dramatic. First element that shocks the audience is that Macbeth opens the letter with “My dearest partner of greatness” which shocks the Jacobean audience because they are not used to seeing a women to be equal to the man of the house. Also because it disturbs the natural order, which starts with God and then the King who is his representative of him on earth and then the thanes under him and then there wives under that and she disrupts the natural order by being equal to him. Yet when she begins to read the letter she finds out that Macbeth has become thane of caurdor. That’s when she appears to act differently towards the audience she begins to act cunning, evil, very ambitious and powerful. After she reads the letter she begins her soliloquy, which begins to reveal her inner most feelings, thoughts and emotions. When she begins to talk the audience may be led to believe that she is a witch as she talks in a chanting, spell like way, as this quote shows,

                “Hie thee hither that I may pour my spirts in thine


We learn that she may be the more dominant character of the two, because she is seen to be manipulative, ambitious and powerful. From when she finishes reading her husbands letter she then decides that he is going to be king, and that she will make sure of that.

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'Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be What thou art promised.'

This quotation tells us as if she and her husband are thinking exactly the same thing. She does not hesitate for a moment. In the beginning of the play the captain refers to Macbeth being very good, he says


        “Showed like a rebel’s whore: but all’s to weak: For brave Macbeth

          (well he deserves that name)”

Quotation is explaining how well, and brave Macbeth is for killing the enemy. The she refers to him by saying:


        “Yet I do fear thy ...

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