How the Internet Has Changed the World

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How the Internet Has Changed the World

Life was completely different before the Internet came along. There was a time that we sent letters in the mail hoping that they would reach their destination within a reasonable amount of time. The thing is, that often that didn't happen. The World Wide Web has changed the world in more than one way.

Here is a closer look at the ways in which the internet has changed the face of things in our world:


Business' used to rely on the local patrons in their general area. Today, their business can go around the world with a few clicks of the keyboard. It has never been easier to keep in contact with customers as it is today. Customers from around the world are found within the computer world. The internet also makes it much easier for companies to do credit checks where necessary and even background checks on potential employees.

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Email keeps us from having to go to the post office and drop our letters into a mail box. It also saves us from having to buy stamps. This is a great asset since the price of stamps seems to change every five minutes in the United States. Email provides that coveted instant gratification that we all love as well. Write the letter, click on send and within a few minutes the recipient is able to read what you wrote. Waiting and wondering periods have all but disappeared because of this one little piece of technology.


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