How Would You Direct Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo And Juliet For The Stage?

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Hardeep Sidhu 10SHn

How Would You Direct Act 1 Scene 5

Of Romeo And Juliet For The Stage?

        In order to present Act 1 Scene 5 on stage I will divide this scene into seven sections and discuss the setting of the stage, costume of the characters, the movement of the actors on stage and the overall impact of these on the audience.

        In this scene Capulet welcomes his guests to the ball and encourages them to dance. Some of the ladies are a bit shy and Capulet teases them that if they don’t dance people will think that they’ve got corns on their feet. He tells the musicians to play and the servants to clear the tables out of the way. Then he and an elderly relative sit watching the dancers and reminisce about the last time the two of them danced like this. Romeo catches sight of Juliet. Romeo is stunned by Juliet’s beauty. Tybalt sees Romeo and recognises him as a Montague. He becomes very angry but Capulet orders him not to do anything. Tybalt protests but Capulet is firm. Tybalt leaves, muttering that he will not forget what has happened. Romeo approaches Juliet and speaks to her for the first time. They kiss. The nurse interrupts with a message that Juliet’s mother wishes to speak to her. Romeo asks the nurse who Juliet is and learns that she is a Capulet. The guests begin to leave. Juliet sends her nurse to discover Romeo’s name. She is dismayed to learn the he is a Montague. They then, too, leave.


1st Servingman – David Boreanaz

2nd Servingman – Gary Lucy

3rd Servingman – Daniel Radcliffe

4th Servingman – Tom Felton

Capulet –  Al Pacino

Cousin Capulet – Robert de Niro

Tybalt – Jakie Chan

Nurse –  Kacey Ainsworth

Benvolio – Matt le Blanc

Juliet – Catherine-Zeta Jones

Romeo – Keanu Reeves

Section 1

Set – in a modern kitchen, there are drawers all the way around and a gas in the middle. The floor is made out of marble and light colours. The drawers are metallic and there is cutlery hanging off the gas that is in the center of the kitchen.

Actors – the head servingman is David Boreanaz who stars as Angel in the TV series angel. I chose him because he likes to order everyone about. Gary Lucy, Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton are also servingmen who do as they are told. Gary Lucy is the waiter who goes around offering everyone drinks. Daniel Radcliffe is the third seringman and he is better known as Harry Potter. I chose him because he could use his magical powers, as being a wizard, to make the food and if anything goes wrong you can count on him to make it all better. My last servingman would have to be Tom Felton who is also a wizard and known as Draco Malfoy in the film ‘Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone’. Tom Felton has the worst job of all which is cleaning up any mess, but its not a problem for him since he is a wizard and has magical powers. David Boreanaz makes sure everything is in order and everyone is doing what he is supposed to.

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Costume – all the servingmen apart from the head servingman are wearing large chef hats, black checked trousers, white tops and white aprons with a small pouch on the front.

The head servingman is wearing a plain black suit, white shirt and a black tie.

Movement – the head servingman is walking around the kitchen and asking the other servingmen questions. The other three are working. At first there is only the head servingman talking to the second servingman, then the second servingman goes out and the third and fourth servingmen come in.

Lines – the head servingman talks ...

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