How Would You Direct Act 5 Scene 1 On A Professional Stage?

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Sam Fitton 10s


How Would You Direct Act 5 Scene 1

On A Professional Stage?

In this Scene I would try to achieve the following things. Firstly is would like to emphasize the main themes in Macbeth but most of all sleep. The stage would be set up with furniture over it in a random fashion to represent the disorder of Lady Macbeth’s mind. I would also try to achieve this by having the stage covered with pools of red light showing the blood that Lady Macbeth believes to see. I would then remove this as soon as the doctor and the gentlewoman say the first line.

       To start the scene I would have the doctor and the gentle woman stood towards the edge of the stage angled towards the audience, with a fresend spotlight on the center of the stage to partially shadow the gentle woman and the doctor to create a sense that they are not supposed to be there and are spying on Lady Macbeth .As the Doctor started his lines I would have him talk with a hushed tone to emphasize they are spying on Lady Macbeth also I would have him rushing his words and have a angered tone I would also have him with a furrowed brow and a frustrated expression on his face to show his impatience with the gentlewoman. To further this effect I would have him stood with his arms folded and angled slightly away from the gentle woman to create a physical distance between the two. The Doctor would be tapping his foot to continue the feeling of impatience.

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        For the Gentle woman I would have her also talking quietly but to show her sincerity towards her accent would possibly be of a lower class Scottish person of the time as I wish to show the difference in class between the Doctor and The Gentle woman to further the effect of frustration the doctor has with the gentle woman. Towards the Doctor I would have her with her eyes opened wide and with her mouth slightly turned down to extend this feeling of her telling the truth also I would have her escalating her whispered ...

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