Iago is an excellent representation of the Vice character of drama. Shakespeare

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Iago essay

Iago has a great understanding of people and how they will react to different situations and this skill allows him to control the action so neatly that it as if is he himself is the playwright. He has no regard for the thoughts of others and skilfully manipulates those around him to trick them to play a part in a strategy he has so meticulously planned, for example, the brawl scene. But by no means does he carry out his plans regardless of other events; if an opportunity to achieve any of his desires arises then he immediately takes hold of it and uses it to his advantage.

Iago is an excellent representation of the Vice character of drama. Shakespeare is brilliant in his transformation of the handsome, fairly two-dimensional rogue in Cinthio’s original to the evil egotist who preys on human emotions, a character so deep he could undergo psychological analysis. Indeed is can, and has been said, “Iago is the spirit of negation set against the spirit of creation,” Geoffrey Wilson Knight. He shows immense wit throughout the play but uses this gift and his graft of words for pure evil and to bring about human suffering, something he sadistically enjoys. This idea of intelligent and scheming subordinates would have worried the Jacobean audience who relied strongly on the class structure.

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S.T. Coleridge’s interpretation of Iago’s character, “(Iago shows) the motive hunting of a motiveless malignity” cannot be seen as entirely true as to call Iago motiveless would be false. It could be said has too many motives that lead him to construct ways of bringing about people’s downfalls. He feels betrayed by his wife, and convinces himself that both Othello and Cassio have cuckolded him. He is resentful of Othello’s and Cassio’s successes and his deeply racist nature leads him to resent Othello all the more as can be seen from his racist comments and repetition of “Moor” to ...

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