imagine that slim has a sister to whom he writes o occassionally

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Imagine that Slim has a sister to whom he writes occasionally. After the events of the weekend he decides he needs to write to her to tell her all about what happened.

Dear Anne-Marie,

Sorry it has been so long since I last wrote – but honestly nothing much happens here. All we do is work, work and work preparing for the harvest. Anyway how are you? How are Lizzie and Andrew, are they being good now or they still the naughty kids I met last time? Don’t worry I’ll send you some money as I get my salary because I know you’re struggling to pay the bills.


Anyway the reason why I wrote this letter was because something’s incredible happened to us in the ranch in the last few days and I felt like I needed to share my thoughts and feelings with someone and to be  honest you’re my only family in this world an the only person I trust to share my feelings with.

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It all started last Friday when two guys arrived to work in the ranch, one guy, Lennie was huge really strong but unfortunately he wasn’t very bright and he also loved touching soft and fury things. The other guy, George was really nice and caring he was of average height and a average looking guy and I really liked him as well but Lennie never let him have a minutes peace because he had to be taken care of all the time because otherwise he would do something wrong.

On Friday evening we were playing cards and the ...

This is a preview of the whole essay