Inspector Calls Essay

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This story is about a family celebration that gets interupted by an inspeactor inquiring about a young girls suicide comes apparent. In this period of time they all are to play a part to a young girls murder. They find out that they have turned this girl away until she coundn't take it anymore, she had enough of people of turning her away and endless refusal, she took the easy way out. As we find out nearer the end of the story that the inspector is a 'fake' and has been pranking the whole time. They are all relieved but does this changed the fact that the have all not cared for a girl and abused her physically and metaly.I will write up an charactisation on the two most, I think, interesting characters as they are so different. I will be studying Arthur and Sheila Birling.

First of all I will study Arthur. Arthur is a very successful and interesting character as he believes that he is always right. He owns and very successful factory and a self made man and is looking forward to merging with 'Crofts Ltd', as his daughter, Sheila, is marrying the Co-Owner of the company. I think Arthur likes the idea of this as this is the rival company. This leads me to the first point about him as it show he is quite greedy and money hungry:
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"It's my duty to keep labour cost down and profits higher"

This is his excuse for his contribution to the young girls suicide as I think it is not efficent. I think deep down the writter has shown that Birling does feel sorry for Eva Smith(deceased) as it is deep inside him but he is reluctant to show it. I think Arthur is very like me as I try to put off the truth and denye that I ever existed at that point. He refuse to accept any responability and he becomes increasingly annoyed by the inspectors ...

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