Jac Codi Baw Poetry Essay

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Jac Codi Baw Poetry Essay

The Poem “Jac Codi Baw” is about a building which is going to be destroyed. The woman, who is narrating the poem, feels very strongly about the building and does not want it to be demolished.  This building is very unique and precious to the woman which is why she feels even more strongly, regarding the building following its demolition.  The woman shows her anger and disapproval about the building, as she believes the building holds memories, traditions and gives the city its identity, and destroying the building leads to the loss of  character and Welsh traditions.

The writer’s main aim is to involve us with the woman’s emotions, thoughts and feelings.  The woman wants us to be aware that the building is greatly important to her and wants us to appreciate the value of the building.  She wants us to care for the building as thought it is a living thing.  The writer’s aim is not only to tell us that the woman is angry, but also to tell us that she is trying to convey a message through the poem saying that we should respect and value buildings.

The method of narration is in first person narrative which is very effective as it helps to achieve his overall aim to convey the woman’s anger and disapproval.  This is subjective and allows the narrator to get her view across clearly.  The writer has given an insight into the woman’s thoughts and feelings.  The form of the poem is free verse, unrestricted by rhyme, which is suitable for this type of poem as it is a serious theme.  Consequently, the poem can be more realistic than a humorous poem.  As the woman is using pronouns, the readers get an image of how angry she is.

The title, “Jac Codi Baw”, is in Welsh.  The words mean ‘Jack raises the dirt.’  The woman may have chosen this title, because people started using it as a nickname for the yellow J.C.B’s.  The J.C.B’s were the massive, yellow, earth moving machines which destroyed the large buildings.  It is very notable as it links to the building and what the woman is trying to convey.  The title gives a good, visual image of the machine and the power it holds to demolish buildings.

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In the first sentence, “They have torn down in the space of time it takes to fill a shopping bag, the building that stood beside my car.” The woman is trying to convey how quickly the building has been demolished.  The writer has used a pronoun to start the sentence off, making it more personal.  Then, the writer has used exaggeration and metaphors comparing the time taken to demolish the building, with the time taken to fill a shopping bag, which is very little time at all.  The narrator of the poem is obviously very angry, and conveys her disapproval ...

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