Juliet, 'Bride of Death'

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Alexis Reynier-Bloemsma                                      10SJH                                 English Coursework

Juliet, ‘Bride of Death’. Examine her character in the light of this description


        In this play Juliet is a character that develops from an obedient and innocent to child into a tragic heroine. Shakespeare’s audience already knew the story of Romeo and Juliet from a very popular story in Europe, which was translated in English in 1562 as a poem called “the tragicall historye of Romeus and Juliet” by Arthur Brooke. He based his poem from Pierre Boaistuau’s French translation from an Italian source. Shakespeare adapts Brooke’s poem for a stage production developing the characters and changed the time frame. He changes Juliet’s age from 16 in Brooke’s version to 13, which helps highlight some themes of his own such as Juliet’s vulnerability and youth. He also changes the amount of time from months as it seems in Brooke’s version to a few days in Shakespeare’s, which meant that Romeo and Juliet only spent a night with each other. At the time they lived in a patriarchal society which means that the father was in charge of the family and there was no other point of view than his.

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        At the beginning of act 1, Lord Capulet is speaking to Paris about Paris’ suit to marry Juliet. Capulet doesn’t agree outright as he feels she is too young. This sets him apart from many fathers at the time, as it costmary for daughters to simply marry off for the family to make money. This shows that, Lord Capulet does care for his daughter and is not willing just to give her up in the way that many people would. However he does invite Paris to his banquet so that Paris can meet Juliet and so he can ...

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