'Learning Journey'.

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GCSE English coursework.

‘Learning Journey’

Crowds poured through the checkpoints, people of every origin on their way to their dream holidays or visiting their families for the fist time in ages, who knows, It’s not for me to worry, I had a bigger problem.

 My family and me had planned a holiday to Florida, USA, great! Except one problem, the thought of having to fly there, I was absolutely terrified of flying! My knees began knocking together like a hammer on a nail.

 ‘Would all people on flight C1326 please report to checkpoint seven please.’ The caller announced. My blood ran cold, this was our flight. I just froze; it felt like I had been thrown into a giant stock freezer alone, I couldn’t move my thighs, they felt like I was holding up two giant ice-coated logs!

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 The giant mouth slid open, I just starred down the seemingly never-ending walkway. This was it, no turning back, no time for hesitation. A glimmer of light caught my eye, a miniscule gap between land and the forbidden craft.

 A lady stood at the end of the tunnel collecting boarding passes and checking passports, in my state of mind I went into paranoia because behind her beaming artificial smile, I believed she had something to hide. What it was I didn’t know? I was so petrified I didn’t know what I knew!

 I slowly staggered to my seat and ...

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