Love: Good or Bad

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Love: Good or Bad

By: Tina Chen

 Senior English


 Love, what is love? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? I’ve ask myself a lot of times, but I have not yet get a pacific answer. I try to ask my sister for an answer, but she only said “love can be good and bad, it is only depend on you.” True, love can be good and bad, I agree. Example, when you’re finally find your true-love and deeply fall in the love-river, you may think love is wonderful; but when the person that you love said don’t love you any more, you may now thing love is bad thing. Different times have different answers, but one thing I know for sure: love is a motion that you can’t see can’t touch; it’s a feeling from your heart. But isn’t good thing just to have the opportunity to love.

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Every animals have feelings, including humans, we can be happy, can be sad, and we can have love. Everyone born with love, we born because of God gave us life, in the article, “ by Dianne Bergant , one paragraph said “We are to love others, because with them we are in covenant with God, and we show our love for God by the way we love them.” This paragraph shows how grateful we can have love, and to love others. Even if you are not believe in God, God still loves you, to make you be apart of this wonderful world.

Love is a different motion from happy, sad, ...

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