
How does Shakespeare make the witches appear frightening and unnatural?

In the following essay I am going to discuss how Shakespeare portrayed the witches as frightening and unnatural. I am going to analyse Act 1 Scene 1, Act 1 Scene 3 and Act 4 Scene 1.To do this I will look at how they are perceived, the witches wider role in the play, the setting, the appearance of the witches, supernatural powers the witches demonstrate and what they can do or control, how they speak and I will create a conclusion towards the end of the essay.

In the Elizabethan times witches were perceived as instruments of the devil. it was believed that they could speak to the devil and with his help communicate with the dead. Some witches were said to see into the future. witches were portrayed as having the ability to make people fall ill using incantations ,spells and potions .they could fly through the air ,go invisible at will and even kill people at a distance. they use disguises like cats as disguises for the spirits that serve them. it was also believed that witches could induce bad weather such as storms ,affecting ships at sea and spoiling the crops. in 1564 murder by witchcraft was made punishable by death. this was hugely biased as no evidence was involved ,just accusation.

The witches' wider role in the play are the predictions and their summoning of the apparitions. They predict that Macbeth will become thane of Cawdor ,and later he will become king of Scotland. The third prediction is that Banquo's son will become king.''all hail ,Macbeth !hail to thee thane of Cawdor!'', this is the first prediction made by the first witch ,it predicts he'll become thane of Cawdor.''All hail,macbeth ,thou shallt be king hereafter!'', this is the second prediction  that predicts Macbeth will become king of Scotland.''Lesser than Macbeth, and greater. Not so happy, yet much happier. Thou shallt get kings, though thou shallt be none'', this is the third prediction made by the witches ,it implies Banquo will not become king himself ,but his son will. That Banquo will not be as happy as Macbeth, but his son will. The predictions influence Macbeth into evil. They generate a vaulting ambition with Macbeth.Basically the witches trigger a whole chain of events in the story, they predict he'll become 'thane of Cawdor' and shortly after they predict this it becomes true. once Macbeth sees there is some clarity ,reality and slight truth in what the witches have said he becomes to focus on becoming king and he begins to do anything possible to ensure he gets it. The predictions actually make Macbeth kill king Duncan to become king. Although Macbeth murders king Duncan he agonizes over what he has done. Later in the story he ends up killing Banquo, his best friend, in order to make sure he'll maintain his kingdom.

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In act 1 scene 1. the scene opens with the three witches in a desert place. the scene is taken place outside of normal society. The witches are instantly linked with evil as whenever they appear simultaneously thunder and lightening occurs. The thunder and lightening could simply be caused naturally or more likely, the witches could've induced the conditions. the witches  meet in the most unnatural environment.In act  1 scene 3.the scene opens with the three witches once again. this time they are at a heath near forres.thunder and lightening ,again.the heath is outside normal society, htis could be mirrored ...

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