My Double Entry Responses to "The Road", "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao", "Black Hole" and "Jimmy Corrigan: the Smartest Kid on Earth".

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BSGE                                                                                Zakir Hussain

11th                                                                                 6/25/11

Double Entry Responses for The Road

“The cap was gone and the man dropped to his elbows to smell the pipe but the odor of gas was only a rumor, faint and stale” (McCarthy 6).

        - In our current economy right now the outlook for the future does not look so bright.  That is largely due to the millions of barrel of oil the United States consumes everyday.  Oil, coal, petroleum, propane, and natural gas are all considered nonrenewable resources because they cannot be replenished in a short period of time.  If the United States and the rest of the world continue to use the amount of nonrenewable resources they are currently using, they are on set to have gas thought as only a rumor.

“They dressed shivering and then climbed the trail to the upper river” (McCarthy 39).

        - In all my experiences of going to the beach or any body of water in general, getting inside of the water has always been the worst.  I would stick a couple of my toes inside or my whole entire foot but they wouldn’t stay there for long cause they come out of the water due to the coldness.  No matter how cold or how hot the temperature is outside the water always stays cold for me.  I would always come out of the water shivering after I gain enough courage to jump in.  After I come out though, there is always a large meal waiting for me.

“He took the packet of grape flavor from his pocket and opened it and poured it into the jar and stirred it and gave it to the boy” (McCarthy 124).

        - I used to live in Manhattan before I moved to Astoria and my family back then weren’t that wealthy.  Right now we can probably afford anything we want but back then my family and I could hardly afford the bear necessities of life.  We never had gallons of soda or other calorie induced drinks.  The drinks my mom would get from the supermarket would be just the kool-aid packets that were sold for very cheap.  Then we would just take out a jug of water and pour that in and our drink was made.      

“Crate upon crate of canned goods” (McCarthy 138).

        - My parents always want to be safe.  People on television and other people in general would always say to store food in case of an emergency.  So my parents took this precaution to a great extent.  Whenever there would be a sale on canned goods my mom would stock.  In my basement we probably have so much canned foods that would last us almost a month.  Even though this sounds very humorous, my family and I are probably the most prepared for any emergency.  

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“When he went back up on deck again to look for the boy the boy was not there” (McCarthy 228).

        - During the summer of 2003 my family and I took a trip to our native country of Bangladesh.  Overall I didn’t like the trip since most of the time I was getting bitten by mosquitoes.  One incident my mom didn’t appreciate was when we took a trip to the bazaar and I went to the candy shop while she was shopping for groceries.  The bazaar was very packed during that time of the day.  My mom thought she ...

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