Original Writing

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Chapter 1

The sun was already sinking into the deep green of the hills to the west of the valley, the red and grey-pink of its shadows touching the corners of the land Lothlorruieum, when Mafiast began his descent. The trail was spread out unevenly between the big boulders inter-wining with the thick forest. It was getting dark, Mafiast sat down at the bank of the stream waiting patiently for a very special boy by the name of Calgem.

A few miles away Calgem was busy hunting a baby deer for there Lunch. Thinking of the praise he would get from his father for catching such a meal was priceless. However he failed, he shot two arrows the first one hitting a rock and the second one just meters of the deer, he only had one arrow left trying very carefully not to miss his last shot, he let go of his final arrow when the deer burst into blue flames. Dumbstruck and panic over took him he stood still for what seemed hours and then ran as fast as he could back to the village. Not looking back once in case he would be a victim like the deer he kept on running. It was getting dark and he could hear deafening screams in the blackness of the forest, he took shelter in a large oak tree thinking he could hide from the creature instead of out running it . Half an our later he got up rubbing the cobwebs from his back and continued his journey towards the village thinking about the events that just occurred.

Finally he thought, he could see the lights and the smoke from the village home at last relief filled his mind he walked the rest of the way home. It was best not to tell any one just yet he thought as his father approached with a hopeless look on his face. "Where was you I was worried sick son, look at the time for gods sake if your going to do this again ill break that bow of yours"cried his father, but dad, "not another word Calgem" angry and sad he climbed his way on top of the house depressed and sat there quietly.- How can something just burst into flames he thought was it an illusion? but what about the screams? so many questions entered his mind he could not think. Just then he caught a glimpse of a red tunic and a white hat it was Evelyn, a very intelligent and wise girl in his opinion, was speaking to a some very large figure hooded and cloaked. He couldn't hear what they were saying but he could see trouble was on its way from the look of Evelyn face. Evelyn was sixteen, a few months older then Calgem her job was being the scout. She looked towards Calgem and called him."Calgem Evelyn's calling you she said its urgent come right away"Whispered Mallon his half brother, wondering if the stranger had anything to do with this he grabbed his bow and jumped off the roof landing gently on his feet. Calgem came running towards her. "What is it"? He asked puzzled "Its that stranger she said meet him in the middle woods in an hour he has something very important to discuss with you" what was he talking to you about and why was he hooded"he asked Thats not the point" and with a worried look she left him in the darkness making him wonder what on earth was going on. In the next ten minutes he left a note for his father saying "Ill be back shortly father" walking quietly careful not to wake any of the villagers he grabbed a loaf of bread and some cheese and walked off. He just reached the gate without notice when he heard someone running. Turning around he saw Evelyn carrying her fathers sword. "Bit extreme, where are you going"?he whispered "to look for that stranger I want to find out exactly whats he up to". At that Calgem kept quite. But what he didn't know was that Evelyn went for his protection.
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They ran into the forest. The forest was very old some of the trees had weird coloured markings on them, he suddenly remembered what the villagers use to say about the woods in the dark. Strange things used to go on , creatures never before seen in the woods would appear in the night, a strange smell would fill the trees and sometimes screams could be heard from beneath the grass. He sat on a clearing behind a boulder and began eating some brown bread with cheese staring at the moon. He was about to finish his last ...

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