Poetry from Other Cultures.

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Poetry from Other Cultures essay

Poets who were born in Britain don’t usually write about slavery or how important water is to them. Many poets who are not originally into a traditional English culture use English in many different ways. Night of the scorpion, Limbo and Sacrifice all seem like they are poems that have been written to represent beliefs or a way of life.  They have all got rhythms and beats and some even use nursery rhymes or chants as a basis for the poem. Language is extremely important to some people especially poets. Sometimes you can see by looking at a poem that it is not written in Standard English.

At the beginning of Night of The Scorpion, a child is talking about how it remembers the night when its mother was stung by a scorpion. The child mentions “Ten hours of steady rain has driven him to crawl beneath a sack of rice”. Here, the child is describing the scorpion and the reason for its arrival. The child points out that the scorpion “parted with its poison” which literally means that the scorpion has stung someone. Throughout the poem, the scorpion is described as an evil being; “The flask of diabolic tail in the dark room” shows this.

When the mother was stung, the villagers are described as “swarming flies”. This may mean they were running to help the mother or running away from the scorpion. The villagers chant the name of god to the mother, chanting the name of god in some cultures, is said to bring luck or hope to the person they are chanting for. In the poem it also states that the villagers used torches and lanterns to try and find the scorpion. As the villagers moved around with the torches and lanterns, the scorpion left shadows on the “mud baked walls”. The villagers could not find the scorpion so they started to make a “clicking” noise to try and draw the scorpion towards them.

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In one part of the poem, it mentions that the scorpion was controlling the poison that was inside the child’s mother. “With every movement the scorpion made, his poison moved around the mothers blood”. The villagers seem to believe that the scorpion controls the poison that is inside the mother so they think that if they capture the scorpion, the poison inside the mother will also stop moving. They state that they want to stop the scorpion on line 18, “May he sit still”. After line 18, a series of sentences are started with the word ...

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