Relevance of Macbeth Today

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Shakespeare – Still Relevant

Criteria – You are to compose a feature article on the given headline: ‘Shakespeare: Still Relevant”. Your article must explore how the themes in the play Macbeth are universal and timeless and, therefore, are still relevant. Your article should make reference to language and dramatic techniques and their purpose/effect. In-class Assessment.

The tragic play Macbeth, written by Shakespeare in the early 17th century is an effective example of similar events that are happening today. Macbeth clearly demonstrates the vitiating and corrupting effect of ruthless ambition, and chronic remorse.  Shakespeare’s use of his language and dramatic techniques is distinctly evident in the play Macbeth as it profoundly pursues the reader into a meliorate atmosphere.

The prophecy that the witches tell Macbeth that he will become the thane of Cawdor and eventually the King of Scotland initiates Macbeth’s ambitions into pursuing that path.

Later in the prophecy the witches foretell, Banquo’s descendants must be king so the supernaturally predicted fate cannot be avoided.


“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,

But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” – Cassius in Julius Caesar (Remorse)

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This states Shakespeare’s belief in human responsibility to our action. So the witches in fact perceived a latent evil in the form of ambition. Externalism of that time and also now is still an excessive concern with outer circumstances or appearances.

The play demonstrates the destructive power of ruthless ambition. It drives Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to commit unspeakable acts. It causes turmoil and revolution in Scotland. The play suggests that while ambition itself is not bad, when it overrides other considerations it is dangerous. In Macbeth’s case, he put his wish to become king before the needs and ...

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