Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet


Tybalt hates Romeo, but Romeo wants to make peace. He is completely unaware that he caused Tybalt embarrassment at the Capulet's party. Romeo only went to the party uninvited because he wanted to see Rosaline, but Tybalt doesn't know this and thinks Romeo is there as an insult to the Capulet's. This will cause problems between Romeo and Tybalt later as Romeo is newly married to Juliet, who is Tybalts cousin. Juliet is unaware how Tybalt feels about Romeo.

The opening lines "the day is hot, the Capulet's are abroad". Tells us that Mercutio and Benvolio are both irritable and that Mercutio is likely to fight. It also tells us that they are outside. Shakespeare has set this scene in a more crowded place. Shakespeare has done this to make the audience think that nothing is likely to happen. Benvolios tone tells us that he cares about Mercutio, It also tells us that he is sensible and knows what to do.

Benvolio calls Mercutio "Good Mercutio" because he is pleading with him to leave because he doesn't want Mercutio to get into any trouble. Mercutio is very witty and quick, he is in a very funny mood which represents that there might be danger later on in the scene. Mercutio responds to Benvolio in a rude manner. He pokes fun at how sensible Benvolio is being by saying, "Thou art as hot as a Jack in thy mood as any in Italy, and as soon moved to be moody, and as soon moody to be moved".
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This makes us think that Mercutio has a rude and witty side to him. This is important for when the Capulet's come because we know that he will be rude to them. When Benvolio says " By my head, here come the Capulet's" Mercutio replies with "by my heel I care not". This is showing disrespect towards the capulet's.

When Tybalt arrives the audience are expecting trouble because the Montague's and the Capulet's don't get on. Therefore every time they are together there is trouble. The audience are very surprised by the tone Tybalt uses with Mercutio, ...

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