romeo and juliet

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English Coursework Romeo and Juliet

Act 2 scene 6 and Act 3 scene 1 are the turning point of the tragedy. After Act 2 scene 6 it seems as if everything might still to work out for Romeo and Juliet. They are passionately in love with each other. The odd thing is that friar Lawrence thinks this to start with and he changes his mind because he thinks that maybe the marriage of these two children will put an end to the family's feuds. When it comes to the wedding the Friar really wants it to work, "So smile the heavens upon this holy act..." he is blessing the marriage but it is not part of the ceremony. However he still thinks that the marriage is too quick and that they are too young "These violent delights have violent ends," he feels that the ferociousness of their love will die out very quickly and that they will get sick of each other, "The sweetest of honey is loathsome in his own deliciousness,". He says it is better for them to love each other enough but not too much because he thinks it will last longer if they do not devour each other, "Therefore love moderately, long love doth so, too swift arrives, as tardy as too slow." Romeo and Juliet speak very spiritually and holy, they are playing with words and everything seems to be great for them. They are both head over heels for each other they cant stop telling each other how much they love them, "But my true love has grown to such excess, I cannot sum up sum of half my wealth."
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Act 3 scene 1, " I pray thee good Mercutio let's retire, the day is hot, the Capulets abroad..." Shakespeare has to tell the audience what the scenery is because in those days when the play would have been performed they had no scenery on the stage so Shakespeare had to tell the audience to imagine what the scene would be like what time of day or night it is, or where they are like on a balcony or in the woods. This scene is the turning point of the play. Romeo gets kicked out of Verona because ...

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