Romeo and Juliet - Act3 Sc1

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‘Romeo and Juliet’ essay

Essay Question:

Why is Act 3 Scene 1 a turning point in ‘Romeo and Juliet’?

How is theme of fate shown in the scene?

The play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was written by William Shakespeare in between 1594-1596. This play starts of as a romance, but it changes into a tragedy in Act 3 Scene 1. This is why Act 3 Scene 1 is a turning point in ‘Romeo and Juliet’. It is also where theme of fate plays a big role. Theme of fate is shown throughout the whole play but it becomes more important in Act 3 Scene 1.

The prologue is important because it tells the audience what happened before the play starts. In the prologue it is told that the play is set in Verona, Italy and two families (Montagues and Capulets) have been fighting for a long time. Shakespeare uses prologue as a dramatic technique to create tension. We also find out that Romeo and Juliet die at the end. It says: “A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life”. By letting the audience know the ending, makes it more tragic and builds tension.

Act 1 Scene 1 shows the audience the hatred between Capulets and Montagues and their fight builds tension. After they fight Prince comes and warns them not to fight again or they will have to pay with their lives.

He states: “If ever you disturb our streets again,

Your lives shall pay for the forfeit of the peace”. This warning then leads to Romeo’s banishment in Act 3 Scene 1.  

When Romeo and his friends go to Capulet’s party Tybalt gets angry. This leads to fight in Act 3 Scene 1 which is a turning point in the play. If Romeo and his friends did not go to the party, Tybalt would not have got angry. He says: “A villain, that has come here in spite,
To scorn at our feast this night” when his uncle asks him why he is angry. If Tybalt did not get angry he would not have challenged Romeo in Act 3 Scene 1. In the fight scene Tybalt says:
“Therefore turn and draw”. This shows how angry Tybalt is at Romeo. That is why he wants to fight with him, maybe to punish him for coming to the Capulet’s party.

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In Act 2 Romeo and Juliet get married secretly. They have to get married in secret because of the feud between their families. The only other person who knows about it is Friar Lawrence. When one character or no one knows about something but the audience does, it is called ‘dramatic irony’ and that builds tension for the audience. Friar Lawrence agrees to marry them because he thinks this will end the feud between the two families. This is shown by this quote: “For this alliance may so happy prove

To turn your households’ rancour to pure love”. ...

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