Romeo and Juliet - Explore the ways in which Act 3 scene 5 Prepares the audience for the tragic ending of the play

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Romeo and Juliet

Explore the ways in which Act 3 scene 5

Prepares the audience for the tragic ending of the play

In the time of Shakespeare the word tragedy is used to describe a hero or heroine, usually from a noble family, involving a sad ending with the hero or heroin dying. Nowadays the word tragedy is used to describe everyday things, anything that is sad in the television and newspapers is called a tragedy. It is very often used as a story leading to a sad ending. Tragedy is most used in our world today when something really bad happens that doesn’t occur too often. A good example would be the world trade centers that were destroyed by terrorists on a hijacked plane. My definition of tragedy is the same as the world’s today: it is something sad or a terrible disaster. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy because it follows Shakespeare rules of tragedy, which involves a hero or heroine that eventually dies. One of the possible causes of tragedy for Romeo and Juliet is fate. In the Prologue line 6, it is said that they were “star-cross’d”, meaning ill fated.

I think the biggest problem for Romeo and Juliet is that they live is a society where men rule and women can’t speak their mind. It is made clear from the beginning that they live in a male dominated world. This could be a tragic flaw, it shows that in Verona society ‘macho’ behavior fired the feud they had, no one wanted to back down. In Act 1 Scene 1 it begins with Gregory and Sampson talking about raping the Montagues’ maids, taking their virginities and making crude jokes.

        “Tis true, and therefore women being the weaker vessels                                 Are ever thrust to the wall: therefore I will push

Montague’s men from the wall and thrust his maids to

The wall.”

The women are seen as possessions and are owned by the man of the household, which in this case is Capulet; he gives orders and expects them to be followed.

        “But fettle your fine joints ‘gainst Thursday next,

To go with Paris to saint Peter’s church or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither.”

Because Juliet can’t talk to her father and is forced into marriage when she has already given her heart and body to another man, she makes hasty decisions and goes to Friar Lawrence demanding he do something or she’ll kill herself. He too acted hasty because of time. He gave her the potion without really thinking of the consequences. All this leads to Romeo and Juliet’s death, ending Shakespeare’s play in a tragedy.

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Though Act 3 Scene 4 is very short it plays an important part in the play. It is important because it holds the play together. Things were very different before act 3 scene 4; everything was playful and relaxed, until Tybalt kills Mercutio causing things to speed up. The play starts to turn serious and hasty decisions are made. In this

scene Capulet agrees with Paris that Juliet is to marry him on the coming Thursday. Capulet’s thinking is very different from the beginning of the play, before he wanted

Romeo and Juliet

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