Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare's skill as a seasoned playwright are put to the test throughout the play, as he tries to maintain interest to various levels of audience even after they are told the play's ending in the opening prologue.

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Romeo and Juliet

  Shakespeare’s skill as a seasoned playwright are put to the test throughout the play, as he tries to maintain interest to various levels of audience even after they are told the play’s ending in the opening prologue. The focus of the play is not what is going to happen, but how. The audience already know the plot so they are free to enjoy it all happen; the interest arises from the fast moving events and sub plots, and the quick fire interaction of the witty, vivid characters. Also the plot can move on at a more rapid pace.

  Also another theme throughout the play is the puerile but undying hopeless hope; even though they know they are doomed the audience still have hope, as their desire for a happy ending is not quenched even when pitched against the prologue.

  Shakespeare gives us immediate expectation by choosing Verona as the play’s setting. Shakespeare knew his audience well and knew that much like today the Italians had a reputation for flowing emotions, both passion and anger, giving the audience expectations of both love and bloodshed. He continues to build up our expectations throughout Acts One and Two, and then perhaps the most obvious, Mercutio’s dying curse on both of their houses.

  Act One sees two people from feuding families (who we are told are ‘star crossed’) meet and fall in love. Sexual punning set the scene at the start of the play, soon followed by machismo violence. A brawl ensues, and is dispersed with a threat from the Prince. Meanwhile Romeo is melancholy due to his unrequited love for Rosaline, and is taken to the party where he falls in love with Juliet, whom Paris wishes to marry. In Act Two they declare their mutual love and Romeo asks the Friar to marry them. At length the nurse delivers the news to Juliet who is overjoyed. During the scene Mecutio angers the fiery Tybalt, a mistake that will cost him dearly later in the play.

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  In Shakespeare’s day the audience were much better listeners than we are today, and even the “groundlings” would follow the complex punnery with ease.

Shakespeare also caters for all his audience, from bawdy sexual innuendo for the commoners to subtle changes in speech patterns for the intelligencia  from which much can be deduced. However this creates problems for modern directors, as this will be lost on all but the most apt listeners of a modern audience, limiting somewhat its appeal but not diminishing its greatness.

  This play is aimed mostly at the younger generation; it is nor by ...

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