Romeo Diary Entry - Romeo & Juliet

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Dear Diary,Last night was perfect. I know people say that there is no such thing as perfect but last night was definitely the closest thing to perfection. I'm in love. With whom, might you ask? Juliet. O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! You probably thought that I'd say I was in love with Rosaline but in all honesty I have forgot that name, and that name's woe. Since meeting Juliet, I know I'll never
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experience such sad hours again and life is now worth living. To know that I can wake up every morning knowing that I'm in love with a dear saint makes me think to myself "she is my lady, O, it is my love!" You must be eager to know what happened last night right? Well...As I was wallowing in self-pity, Mercutio decided to drag me along to the Capulet party which is held annually for everyone in fair Verona. Everyone but us; the Montagues. Being the depressed saddo that I was at the time, I replied to this offer of ...

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