Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet

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Q. How does Shakespeare use dramatic devices in Act III Scene I of Romeo and Juliet in order to make it such an interesting, exiting and important scene?

        Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, which also has hints of a romance in it. It is about two ‘star-crossed’ lovers who met because of their fate. They come from two rival families, which have ongoing tensions between them. These tensions occasionally lead to fights and brawls. They have been rivals for so long that no one remembers when the feud between tem has started.

The basic plot of the play is that two of the most important families in the state of Verona, the Montagues and the Capulets, are engaged in a deadly feud. However, no-one can remember how it started, but it involves everyone, from the servants to the most distant relatives. One day Romeo Montague finds out there is to be a masked ball that same evening at the Capulet’s house. He then decides to gatecrash the party because he hopes to see the girl he loves - Rosaline. At the party Romeo meets Juliet, who is actually the Capulets’ 13 year old daughter. They dance together and fall in love not knowing each other’s identity. Romeo and Juliet then secretly meet in the Capulets’ orchard after the party. This is when Romeo proposes to Juliet and she accepts his proposal. Romeo then says that he will make the arrangements for the wedding the next day. Then Romeo arranges the wedding with Friar Lawrence. Juliet sends her nurse to meet Romeo. She returns with the message that they will be married later that day by Friar Lawrence. They then get married, but on that same morning Romeo’s friend Mercutio is fighting with Juliet’s cousin and is killed in the fight. Romeo then seeks out Tybalt and kills him, which results in Romeo being banished from Verona. In the meantime, Juliet’s parents have arranged for her to marry Count Paris, a relative of Prince Escales, the ruler of Verona. Juliet’s parents order her to get ready for the wedding in 3 days time. In despair  she turns to Friar Lawrence for assistance, and he gives her a potion which will make her seem dead for a period of 42 hours. Once she has had the potion, her parents place her n the family tomb, and Friar Lawrence sends word to Romeo to come and take her away to Mantua. However, the Friar’s message is delayed, and Romeo hears from another source that Juliet has died. Therefore he buys poison and gallops back to Verona and finds Juliet lying in the tomb as if dead. He cannot live without her. He drinks the poison and dies. Juliet wakes up ad finds Romeos dead body. She stabs herself and dies with him.

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        The play fits into the tragedy genre, or theme, because the hero falls due to a personal error or fault, while they believe it to be because of fate. It is also because the tragic hero is also admirable for courageous acts which they have performed. It also fits into this genre because the hero dies.

        The general themes of Romeo and Juliet are love, hatred and revenge.

        Shakespeare starts Act III Scene I in a calm and relaxed manner. Benvolio is trying to avoid conflict with the Capulets. This is shown when Benvolio says to Mercutio:

“I ...

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