Shakespeare uses many methods to create moods and atmosphere especially at the start of this scene Act1 Scene 3.

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Romeo and Juliet Coursework

Romeo and Juliet is a play set in Verona where two families live and feud: the Montague and the Capulet. The two families have been feuding for as long as any of them can remember. Romeo who is a Montague falls for a Capulet by the name of Juliet, these two star crossed lovers are torn due to the hatred of the families for each other and the love for each other, so they have to have a relationship in secret. But al this eventually ends I tragedy, which is what this play is a tragedy and it fits into this genre in many ways like the way people die, and how Romeo and Juliet both commit suicide after believing the other half of their relationship is dead. The general theme of this play is a love/hate relationship due to the hatred of the families and the love for one another of Romeo and Juliet. This play was written during the 1590's during a time where Shakespeare wrote many tragedies. The time it was written has influenced the play like during the 1590's the fathers treated daughters like property and when Juliet marries Romeo without him knowing it is an extreme thing to do. This scene is the pivotal part of the play and changes the whole mood for the rest of the play, it's pivotal due to the amount of deaths and how quickly they happen it's also pivotal due to what the prince says at the end, which adds more tension and drama.
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Shakespeare uses many methods to create moods and atmosphere especially at the start of this scene Act1 Scene 3. "I pray thee good Mercutio, let's retire. The day is hot, the capels are abroad, and if we meet we shall not scape a brawl, for now these hot days, is a mad blood stirring." This is a quote spoken by Benvolio and it sets a mood of anxiousness and shows that Benvolio is worried about the Capulets arriving. The quote "these hot days, is a mad blood stirring," is saying that the days are filled with anger and ...

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