Significant Quotes that Define Macbeth

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Significant Quotes that Define Macbeth ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare was a very powerful play and it dealt with a very complex character. Macbeth was a Scottish Lord and he was brave, ambitious, easily manipulated, ruthless and evil. Eventually all these traits led to his downfall. The play revolves around Macbeth and his ambition to be King of Scotland. Eagerness and ambition led him to kill King Duncan. It has shown me that ambition can be destructive not only to the person with ambition but also to those around them. It was made clear by Shakespeare that Macbeth’s most important characteristic was his bravery. We become aware of this bravery though other characters. In Act one, Scene two the first reference to his bravery was made by the Sergeant; “For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name” This shows us that he was admired and respected. Again in scene two another reference was made to Macbeth and Banqo’s bravery by the Sergeant, “…cannons overcharged with double cracks…” They were compared to a double load of ammunition. It was as if they were worth more than any other two soldiers as they were both so brave and fought so well. With Macbeth and Banqo in their army it seemed there was no chance of failure. In scene two we are also shown how ruthless Macbeth could be, we are told how violently Macbeth ripped open a man from the naval to the jaw. “Till he unseam’d him from the nave to the chops” This shows us his bravery as well as how violent he could be. At the beginning of the play his ambition also began to shine through. Three witches on a heath promised Macbeth three things. He would be Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and eventually the King of Scotland. His ambition and greed began to show as he orders the witches, “Stay, you imperfect speakers, tell me more.” He was interested in what they had to tell him. He thought no more of it until a messenger
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arrived with news for him. Duncan wanted to reward Macbeth for his hard work in the battle so gave him the title of “Thane of Cawdor.” The second promise had come true. So Macbeth began to fantasize about the prospect of becoming king. I think this was quite a dangerous thing to happen as when he fantasizes he believes it will happen and was almost in a world of make believe. Not only was Macbeth ambitious but also he was easily manipulated. I think that was something in his personality, which was an extremely dangerous. The person who can manipulate ...

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