Stone Cold Authors Craft

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Robert Swindells – STONE COLD

Write an analytical response to the opening chapters of Robert Swindells’ Stone Cold, with specific reference to the author’s craft.

Every novel needs an effective opening. If it wasn’t any good, we probably wouldn’t read the novel! How do authors try and make the opening paragraphs of their books effective? Writers try to hook the reader into reading their book, by making a strong narrative pull; they try to make the reader want to know “what’s going to happen next?” so that they read on. They do this with the aid of the author’s craft. The authors craft is like a writer’s secret code of story telling. It's their nifty gizmo, and they call it their craft. It’s basically their way of writing, and it is made up of two main parts; narrative elements and literary devices. Every author has a craft, but they all use it in different ways and in this essay I aim to show how Robert Swindells has used it, in the opening paragraphs of his book, Stone cold.

        Literary devices, as can be worked out from its name are the tools and techniques that authors use to make their work more meaningful and significant. Narrative Elements set out the story and its structure in different aspects, for instance its plot, characters and setting.

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        Swindells has mastered the use of characterization in the opening paragraphs of his novel, and even in his first sentence, he characterizes his main character: “You can call me Link”. Links tone and wording makes him seem friendly –so the reader knows what sort of personality Link is of- and eager to talk to the reader directly, via the pronoun 'you'. And by putting the words 'you' and 'me' in one sentence Swindells also makes the first sentence   emotion as Link is connecting to the reader directly. The opening sentence in a way welcomes the readers into the book. ...

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