Summary of the play Romeo and Juliet

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Neha Raval 10T

Romeo and Juliet


Romeo and Juliet is play written 400 years ago by the well known William Shakespeare. Although the play was written 400 years ago it’s still a very popular play today. Theatre was a very popular form of entertainment during Shakespeare’s time (Elizabeth England). Between theatre companies to produce the best and exciting plays. In this essay I will show and explain a short summary of the play, how arranged marriages worked in Shakespeare’s time the love between Romeo and Juliet, a character description on Juliet, Lady Capulet, Capulet and nurse to show the dramatic tension which went on, and a conclusion.

Characters in the play are as the following

  • Romeo- a Montague. He is a young man that has falls in love with Juliet and wants to marry her. He ends up sacrificing his life for her.
  • Lord Montague- Romeo's Father who is a Stubborn and not willing to forgive person.
  • Lady Montague- Romeo's mother who is a very busy and strict woman.
  • Mercutio- Good friend of Romeo.
  • Balthasar- Servant and good friend of Romeo
  • Benvolio-Friend of Romeo.
  • Juliet- a Capulet. She is young and falls in love with Romeo and first sight. Believes marriage should be for love. To be with Romeo she fakes her death.
  • Lord Capulet- Juliet's father who is a strict, harsh and not an understanding person. He wants his daughter Juliet to marry Paris.
  • Lady Capulet- Juliet's mother who wants her to marry Paris for her own good she does seem to know anything about her daughter.
  • County Paris- Kinsman of Prince who cares about Juliet and wishes to marry her.
  • Tybalt- Juliet’s cousin who seems to have a short bad temper and seems to have a lot of self pride in him. 
  • Prince Escalus- Prince of Verona who want to put an end to this family feud.
  • Friar Lawrence- Priest of Verona he weds Romeo and Juliet hoping it will unite both families, instead causes a fight.
  • Friar John- Son of Friar Lawrence.
  • The Nurse- Cares and has nurtured Juliet ever since childhood and wishes all happiness for her.
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Summary of the play Romeo and Juliet

The play Romeo and Juliet is about two teenagers who fall in deeply in love with each other but this ends up in a complete tragedy because of the two households Montague’s and Capulet’s who are in rivalry with each other. They are involved in a family feud that goes back years before any members were born. Yet the feud still continues due to the fact that neither family is ready to forget the past and move on. The play is set in Verona, Italy. Romeo Montague goes to a party to ...

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