Sun Vampiers

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How effectively does the author use language techniques to influence the audience?

I am writing an essay on how Cayte Williams influences the audience by using language techniques in an article from the Big Issue of May 1997, on the harm that sun beds can cause.

Cayte Williams’s attitude towards sun beds is mostly negative. She says that essentially, they are “Big plastic cocoons filled up with high tech lights that beam down on you with a mellow hum.” Throughout this article she emphasizes the negative points of sun beds, the only praise for them coming from the interviewed members of the public who use them each week. This creates quite a biased view.

The overall tone of this piece is sombre as it is quite serious when drawing the reader to the side of the argument Williams has chosen. This is highlighted mostly in the first half of the piece where the author is emphasizing the negative points of sun beds. But as the piece moves on to the second half of the presentation takes on a lighter, more appealing tone I think this makes the article easier to read and not such a chore to take in.

The articles title, “SUN VAMPIRES,” is an oxymoron; because vampires can’t actually go out in the sunlight as if they do they will die. This gives the reader an image that the user becomes dependent on the sunlight and being without out it will damage them. This language technique can draw attention to a reader that is just flicking through the pages. This get a lot more people to read the article.

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The sub headings bombard the reader with three main images, the first of which is the quote “they’re desperate for a sun fix” witch puts an image of a drug addict in you head, doing what they can for any money then immediately spending it on the drug.

The second is “They spend hours incinerating in hi-tech coffins.” This makes it seem like a day to day task that people go through quite comfortably. Particularly the use of the verb incinerating is shocking as the is what happens in cremation.

The third image is that she uses ...

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There is some effective analysis here, illustrating the use of language in the article being reviewed. However, the essay writer drifts into a general analysis, using examples of the author's manipulation that do not employ language techniques. Paragraph construction is poor and sentence construction is marred by too many careless errors. 3 stars