The Assassin's Bane

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Avi Rosten 11E        Original Writing

The Assassin’s Bane

The rain lashed the stone walls of the shack; the door battered by the unrelenting wind, the murky sky above mimicking the grim mood of death in the shack below. The man lay dead, spread-eagled on the floor in a pool of his own, semi-congealed blood. His face was set in an eternal grimace, the pain of his death written across his pale face. He had lain in this dour repose for a few hours, the stench of death already filling the air. His death had not merely been a chance happening, a fluctuation in the path of fate, but had been a pre-meditated, malevolent murder, orchestrated long before.

Our story begins twenty-four hours earlier; it was a bitterly cold morning in the February of 1604. In a dark, dank alley in the backstreets of the city, a man stumbled towards the road. His tall, slender figure moved, without obvious grace, to his destination. His features were sharp, with quick, darting eyes set above an aquiline nose, and thin, emaciated lips. He wore just a dark, long robe over his clothes and light armour. He was stumbling from an injury he had sustained doing his job: assassination. Last night, he had killed his target but had in so doing injured his left leg. As far as he was concerned it was a hazard of the job, which on the whole was rather parlous. He strolled into his meagre living quarters, another dark, dank area, and set down his weapons.

After a short sleep he awoke, ate a few left-over morsels, and went out into the bustling street. He had an appointment with a person of substantial importance. He was known only as ‘The Master’, and was renowned across the criminal underworld for his ruthlessness, efficiency, and his disquieting temperament. He single-handedly coordinated the vast majority of assassinations, robberies, and other forms of organised crime in the city.

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He continued down the street, apprehension welling up inside him. It was always dangerous to fraternise with The Master, but much more so when he wanted something of you. He turned down a side alley, and prepared himself for what was to come. As he continued down the alley, he observed that a heavy door swung open from one of the sides of the alley. It looked ominous. As he approached, a hulking, heavily cloaked figure stood in the doorway, looking sinister. He made no sound but merely gestured to come forward with one long index finger. The assassin ...

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