The Birthday Nightmare

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May 9, 2007


English Coursework


The Birthday Nightmare

It was the misty morning of Charl’s 21st birthday. Herself, her partner and her best friend were preparing to travel from dull-skied Trenton, their hometown in New Jersey to Glamorous New York to celebrate Charl’s birthday. Her best friend Sarah was to drive the kitted out van and her partner Leone was to accompany Charl on their first travel from the time when they were at college. Now geared up, they set off to New York. The Dodge Durango STL was travelling down the B849 at a steady speed as Leone luckily escaped a fatal car crash when he was 11, so he was slightly uncomfortable about travelling on reasonably sized journeys.

They were about half an hour into the journey when Sarah applied the brakes with extreme force. Charl asked, “Why did you stop?” Sarah replied with “Look behind the van, there’s a young woman just standing there. She gave the impression that she had been standing there for a while. We should go and talk to her” All three got out of the van and asked the girl why she was stood there. She whispered, “I want to go home, I want to go home.” Having that, Sarah took the girl into their van and carried on travelling.

The trio were asking the distraught girl what happened. She muttered under her breath “he’s killed them all.” Then she pulled a black gun from under her blouse and put it into her mouth. The whole group shouted “NNNOOO” and then all of a sudden, it all went silent. The girl had pulled the trigger. All of the group were traumatized. All they could see was the girl, covered in thick, red blood, lifeless on the back seat with a hole in the back of her head. Sarah swiftly got out of the van and vomited at the side of the road. Charl and Leone also got out of the van to comfort Sarah. Leone asked, “What should we do?” Sarah and Charl agreed to stop by the nearest service station and ring for the police. Leone also agreeing to their decision, they resumed their journey.
        After travelling 3 or 4 miles, they were relieved to see a service station about 1000 metres away from them.

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They pulled up at the service station parking lane and walked inside. There was a middle-aged woman at the counter; she was around the age of 55. Sarah told her what happened and asked if she could have permission to use the phone. The old lady allowed her to use the phone and she dialled the sheriff’s office. Sarah told the sheriff about the suicide and the sheriff asked the group of three to meet him at a field barn with the suicide victim that was five minutes drive up the road. Sarah agreed to this and took the van ...

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