The Context of the times - Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare

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Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare in the 16th century. It was set in Verona, in Roman Catholic Italy. Things were very different then to how they are now. Couples were made to confess to Friars before marriage. Marriage was arranged and carried through at a very young age. Marriage was also very hasty. There were many family feuds. For example: The Capulets and Montagues. The language used in their times was also very different. It was very poetical (Petrarch). It is hard to imagine life then, but Shakespeare makes it much easier as he describes everything throughout the play in great depth.


Shakespeare set his play Romeo and Juliet for the 13th century. The time when the play was written and actually started to be performed was during the 16th century, the Elizabethan times.

In those times it was extremely difficult to show the setting using sets on stage like we do today. Plays had to be performed outside and during the day because there was no electricity to light indoor theatres. The theatres for the better of people had an open roof. For example: the Globe theatre in London.

To determined whether the scene was set in day or night-time the actors had to think of letting the whole audience know as there were no props, backgrounds or lighting. Everything was included in the dialogue.

Romeo says, “For thou art as glorious to this night “. This first of all shows Romeo’s dreamy, romantic side and also includes vital information for the audience to create a better picture of what the scene is like. Other lines such as, “The dial is now upon the prick of noon”…”’Tis almost

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morning, I would have thee gone”, and, “ When the sun sets, the earth doth drizzle dow, but for the sunset of my brothers son it rains downright”. These quotes all suggest the tie of day and possibly the weather.

The time of day also puts out the mood. “For thou art as glorious as this night”. Daytimes are busy and are spent by Romeo and Juliet thinking about each other. Nights are spent dreaming about each other or as often as possible they are together being very romantic. The weather also had effect ...

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