The Flash Back Scene in An Inspector Calls

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Holly Ashton 10S

Flash Back Scene

Eric is sitting at the bar with some other young men, drinking.  Eva Smith is sitting not far from Eric with her back turned towards him.  The lighting is dark blue with a bit of smoke for effect.  The smoke would be created with smoke machines and thelighting would be cast down on the stage from overhead lights.  In addition, a foot light is focussed on Eric to give a more intimate feel, similar to a table light effect.  Where Eric is sitting the lighting is slightly brighter to pick out the main characters' faces.  Eva Smith is still in the shadow at this point,  just outside the spotlight.  Tables are set out in an irregular order in the background.  The audience can see groups of people, some obviously gambling and some drinking.  As the characters begin to speak the lights near them brighten as the light on the rest of the actors darkens, creating a feeling of intimacy.  

Eric         (Waving his goblet at the bar keeper)  Another!

        Eva Smith now comes slowly into the light, but not enough for the audience to         actually see what she really looks like.

Eric        (Motioning towards Eva Smith.  Obviously very drunk.)   Can I buy you a         drink?

Eva         Yes, I'll have a brandy.        

Eric         (With a disgusted look on his face)  Barkeeper, a brandy for this lovely         women.  (Addressing Eva)  How can  you drink that stuff?  You'd  be better         off with some of this.

Eva         No, thank you.  I'm fine,  I'd rather stick with the brandy.

Eric         Suit yourself.  By the way you forgot to mention your name.  Mine's Eric and         might I add you are the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen.

Eva         (A little surprised at the last comment but not much)  Thanks for the         complement and it's Rachel.

Eric          What brings you here, this place is far too nasty for a young lady like yourself?

Join now!

Eva         (Noticeably irritated by the question she quickly changes the subject.) I...em...         (Looking for a subject to change to, then quickening the pace of her speech         up.) I like you, you're really charming.

Eric         (Stammering a little and a little taken aback by her last comment.)         Well that's         good because I really....really like you.  You're a lot different from the other         girls I'm used to.  (Suddenly realising she may take offence) Of course I mean         that in a good way.


Eva         I know you do, don't worry, I'm flattered you like me, really.  I mean you're ...

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