The speckled band

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The adventure of the speckled band is a mysterious detective story written cleverly by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and featuring Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson as the main characters. Dr.Roylott is the villain presented to Holmes by Helen Stoner about the mysterious and thrilling death of her sister Julia. The role of Julia and Helens step- father (Dr.Roylott) is the main suspect in the story. In this essay I am going to introduce you to the character of Dr. Roylott.

We learn a lot about the characteristics of Dr. Roylott from what his stepdaughter divulges to Holmes when she visits him in Baker Street. She confronts to Holmes that Dr. Roylott borrowed some money from his relative and set off to India to take a medical degree. “Where by his professional and his force of character he established a large practice. In fit of anger caused by some robberies, which had been perpetrated in the house, he beat his native butler to death. Luckily he escaped capital sentence and suffered long term imprisonment”. This gives evidence that Dr. Roylott is capable of committing murder and other criminal activities. When he was in India Dr. Roylott married Helen’s mother. She had a large sum of money. “Not less that £1000 a year”, which Dr. Roylott inherited when Helens mother died in a railway accident. When Dr. Roylott came back from India he didn’t establish in a medical practise but went to live on what his wife had left him. Then suddenly he had gone through a terrible change. He had become a melancholy man.” A series of disgraceful brawls took place, one of which ended in the police court, until at least Dr. Roylott became the terror of the village and folks would fly at his approach, for he is a man of immerse strength and absolutely uncontrollable in his anger”. Helen also tells Sherlock about her step- fathers rude language and violent actions on the local blacksmith when they had an argument on a horseshoe. Dr. Roylott had hurled the blacksmith over the parapet into a stream. This is strong evidence that Dr. Roylott is a dangerous man and someone to be afraid of. Helen had told holms her narrative when Holmes suddenly say, “Miss Roylott, you are screening your stepfather”. Holmes stood up, pushed her sleeves back and there you could see five little spots, the marks of fingers. Helen became embarrassed and explained that “He is a hard man and perhaps he hardly knows his own strength”. This is proof that Dr. Roylott has abused Helen. That’s why she is terrified of Dr. Roylott.

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Helen Stoner describes to holms about the chilling death of her sister. Helen could not sleep the night Julia got murdered. She had a feeling something was going to happen, after all Julia and Helen were twins. “Suddenly amid all the hubbubs of the gale, there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman”. Helen jumped off her bed and ran to the corridor, as she opened the door she heard a low whistle, just like her sister had described and a few seconds later she heard a clanging sound. Helen ran to the passage. Julia’s door was ...

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