The Tragedy of Macbeth

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The play 'Macbeth' changes dramatically during the course of the play. Write an essay from the beginning of the story, showing the summary of the plot and make points on how it changes dramatically.

At the beginning of the play, three witches meet on a heath and an atmosphere of malevolence is presented. They spoke about meeting Macbeth on the heath.

Later on news was brought to King Duncan of the battle between the Scottish King's army, which is ked by Macbeth and Banquo and an invading force from the Norway. The Norwegians armies have been defeated and Macbeth's bravery has played a major role in the Scottish victory. As a result of this, the king rewarded Macbeth by making the thane of cawdor, after the arrest of the current thane of cawdor, who had deviously with the

Norwegians. The three witches confronted Macbeth and Banquo as they return from the battle. They greeted Macbeth by saying 'All hail Macbeth, hail to thee Thane Glamis', 'All hail Macbeth, hail to thee Thane Cawdor', 'All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter'. These greetings are prophecies to Macbeth; the first part of the prophecy was already fulfilled while others brought confusions to Macbeth. When the witches were confrontation of the witches to Macbeth, they also greeted Banquo by saying 'lesser than Macbeth, and greater', 'Not so happy, yet happier', 'Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none'. The words to Banquo are very insightful words because it has a profound meaning.

King Duncan informs Macbeth, now formally recognized as Thane of Cawdor, that Malcolm, the King's eldest, will the heir to his throne. Therefore Malcolm stands in the way of fulfilling the witches' prophecy. After all these news, Macbeth decided to write a letter to his wife telling her about the witches' prophecies and the making of him the Thane of cawdor and Malcolm's inheritance of the King's throne. When Lady Macbeth received the letter she immediately started plotting in her mind how to murder the King.

The King's messenger brought news to Lady Macbeth telling her that the king comes to their castle tonight. Shakespeare uses soliloquy to present Lady Macbeth's plot to kill the King. She said this by saying 'Come you spirits, that tends on mortal thought, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty...come to my woman's breasts, and take my milk for gall, you murth'ring minister...Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, to cry, hold, hold'. When Macbeth arrived at Dunsinane, she begins to tempt him to murder the King. Duncan later arrived at Dunsinane and he was affectionately greeted by Lady Macbeth and was stunned by Macbeth absences. Macbeth was alone when the king arrived think about his wife-plotted scenario. His ' vaulting ambition' is weighed against the practical and moral argument against murdering Duncan. When Lady Macbeth came Macbeth said ' we will proceed no further in this business: He hath honour'd me of late, and I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people, which would be worn now in their newest gloss, not cast aside so soon'. Lady Macbeth replied back by threaten not to love him anymore, she said this by saying ' was hope drunk, wherein you dress'd yourself...from this time, such I account thy love. Art thou afear'd to be the same..and live a coward in thine own esteem? Letting I dare not, wait upon I would, like the poor cat I' th' adage'. She accused Macbeth of not being manly enough and Macbeth replied saying ' prithee peace: I dare do all that may become a man, who dares do more, is none'. At this very moment Macbeth has been totally persuaded that he should proceed with the murder. Macbeth is restless, imagining that he sees a bloody dagger in the air above his head, leading him towards the King's room. At this moment Lady Macbeth has already drunk the King's army like she said. After committing Macbeth is riddled with guilt, imagining a voice saying, ' Macbeth shall sleep no more'. Macbeth really feels guilty when committed the Murder because he said ' I have done the deed'. Lady Macbeth tries to calm him than by saying ' my hands are of your colour: but I shame to wear a heart so white...a little water clears us of this deed'. Macbeth panicked when he killing the King that he came out with the daggers in his hands, which Lady Macbeth had to take back because Macbeth his too horrified by what he did. At the door knocking was a Scottish nobleman called Macduff. He was the one whom discover that the king is dead. When he said that the king is dead Macbeth puts on a convincing performance of shocked and runs to the chamber. Immediately when the incident was reported to the King's sons they flee away from Scotland. Donaldbain to Ireland and Malcolm to England. Banquo secretly suspected Macbeth of the Murder. Macbeth requested of Banquo's presence that night at supper. Shakespeare also uses soliloquy on Macbeth when speaks of his fears about Banquo and the witches' prophecy that it would be Banquo's rather than his sons who would from dynasty. Macbeth has also had nightmares where he was Banquo and his son killing him and taking his crown from him. As a result of his nightmare he decided to kill Banquo and his son Fleance without the knowledge of his wife. At this moment there is a change in the play because Lady Macbeth and Macbeth have switch places because Macbeth is normal the strong partner because he now finds murder to be easy.
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The hired killers by Macbeth have killed Banquo, but Fleance escapes. Macbeth hears from the killers that Banquo has been killed but Fleance escapes, this news increases Macbeth's anguish. Later on a Banquet was held at Dunsinane, all the guest are all seated and Macbeth is invited to take the last empty seat. But he cannot find one because the ghost of Banquo has taken it. The ghost, which only Macbeth can see threats him, but when the ghost fades, Macbeth seems to recover, but then the ghost returns and the Banquet was called-off by Lady Macbeth. The ...

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