The Witches and Macbeth

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Michael Grove

We first hear of Macbeth from the three witches in the first scene of the play, when the ‘weird women’ name him and make known that they await him. This adds mystery to the play because how would a loyal & courageous warrior be associated with the forces of evil. Furthermore Shakespeare wrote the play when everybody was afraid of anything associated with witches and witchcraft. Macbeth`s heroism is demonstrated by Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbein, Lennox & the Captain, in Act 1 Scene 2 on lines 16 & 24, as the Captain says “Oh Brave Macbeth” after which King Duncan says “Oh valiant cousin, worthy Gentleman!” This portrays Macbeth to be a hero, as words like ‘brave’ or ‘valiant’ do not appertain to a Villain, it is ironic that Macbeth will kill the King out of his own ambition to succeed him.

When the three witches finally meet Macbeth, the weird women prophesise that Macbeth will become the Thane of Cawdor and later King of Scotland. They have a dastardly plan, only feeding good news to Macbeth, when their true motives are for Macbeth to suffer. However Macbeth feels amazed, as at that time, he had no thoughts or aspirations to become King, as Duncan has two sons. However it is also prophesised that Banquo’s (Macbeth`s best friend) sons (and not Macbeth`s) will become King, but Banquo is not convinced. This to me suggests that Macbeth is more superstitious and gullible than Banquo. In addition Banquo says ‘he seems rapt withal’. Once Macbeth is named Thane of Cawdor, he is convinced that the ‘weird women’ prophecies will materialize. After which he says, “Glamis, and the Thane of Cawdor. The greatest is behind (becoming King).” Furthermore he says, “If chance will have me King, why, chance may crown me, I without stir.” However when the King announces Malcolm (his son) will be his successor, Macbeth is filled with rage, as he thinks he has lost his only chance to the throne, an ambition that now consumes him. His Villainy is demonstrated in a soliloquy on which he says, “Stars hide your fire! Let not light see my black and deep desires,” this tells us that Macbeth is considering some action to ensure the prophecies become reality.

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After lady Macbeth read her husbands letter, she reveals her husbands qualities to the audience. In addition she says “he is too full of the milk of human kindness I to catch the nearest way (Assassinate Duncan), he is too compassionate to take immoral shortcuts (he will not kill any man unless he had carried out an evil deed) to get what he wants. He aspires to become King, but by honest means.” When Macbeth returns home, Lady M insists he must take Duncan’s life tonight, but Macbeth refuses. Also Macbeth`s marriage to Lady M is rather unusual for that period when ...

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